NET 424: REAL-TIME SYSTEMS (Practical Part) Networks and Communication Department Tutorial 4 : on lecture 4
Question 1 Assume 3 tasks given the following execution time and periods: Task 1 {0.6,3}. Task 2 {1.2,4}. Task 3 {0.6,2}. 1- what is the least common multiple of the periods ? 2- what is the maximum number of jobs in each hyper-period ? 3- calculate the utilization of each task. 4- calculate the total utilization. Networks and Communication Department
Answer 1- what is the least common multiple of the periods ? LCM=12 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 2- what is the maximum number of jobs in each hyper-period ? maximum number of jobs in each hyper- period=13 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 3- calculate the utilization of each task. Utilization of task 1: 0.2 Utilization of task 2: 0.3 Utilization of task 3: 0.3 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 4- calculate the total utilization. Networks and Communication Department
Question 1 Assume 3 tasks given the following execution time and periods: Task 1 {0.1,2}. Task 2 {0.2,4}. Task 3 {0.2,3}. Task 4 {0.3,6}. Task 5 {0.1,1}. 1- what is the least common multiple of the periods ? 2- what is the maximum number of jobs in each hyper- period ? 3- calculate the utilization of each task. 4- calculate the total utilization. Networks and Communication Department
Answer 1- what is the least common multiple of the periods ? LCM=12 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 2- what is the maximum number of jobs in each hyper-period ? maximum number of jobs in each hyper- period=27 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 3- calculate the utilization of each task. Utilization of task 1: 0.05 Utilization of task 2: 0.05 Utilization of task 3: 0.06 Utilization of task 4: 0.05 Utilization of task 5: 0.1 Networks and Communication Department
Answer (Cont.) 4- calculate the total utilization. Networks and Communication Department
The End Any Questions ? Networks and Communication Department