EYFS and KS1 Maths Open morning Steph Scott – Maths Leader and Year 5 Teacher
CPA Teaching in maths Using physical objects to explore maths Concrete Using physical objects to explore maths Pictorial Using images to understand mathematical concepts. Abstract Using efficient methods of recording, and symbols, like mathematicians.
Concrete Apparatus Numicon Counters Tens frames Beadstrings Base 10 Cubes Numberlines Place value arrow cards Counting bears
Alternative Concrete Apparatus Milk bottle lids as counters Bunches of straws tied together to represent ‘tens’ Lego bricks Pencils Lots of resources are printable or can be cut out and made at home. E.g. Place value arrow cards, numberlines, tens frames, numicon.
Place Value
Number bonds
+ - x = < > ÷ Abstract Recording using mathematical symbols and numbers. Practising writing number sentences and understanding what the symbols mean + - x = < > ÷
Open morning lessons A chance to see some of the concrete apparatus your children use in their maths lessons. A chance to see your child enjoying maths learning. A chance to see the maths environment we learn in such as our maths learning journeys (displays).