Recycling and Renewability Forestry Facts About Recycling
Recycling and Renewability 2 reasons the forest products industry advocates recycling. To save landfill space Provide an essential source of raw materials.
Recycling and Renewability American paper companies are hard at work on an ambitious program to recover _?_ of all paper Americans use. Answer: 1/2
Recycling and Renewability Americans already recover _?_ percent of all paper products in the United States. Answer: 57.4 percent
Recycling and Renewability In 1993, for the first time ever, more paper was recovered in the United States for recycling than went to land fills. That amounted to nearly 36 million tons of pauper and paperboard—an average of _?_ pounds of used paper recovered for every man, woman and child in America. Answer: 277
Recycling and Renewability Recovered paper fiber presently accounts for about_?_ of the paper industry’s total raw material supply. In the year 2000, recovered paper supplied _?_ percent of all the fiber used to make new paper products Answers: 1/3….40 percent
Recycling and Renewability The rest came from the most renewable resource—_?_. Answer: trees
Recycling Rate 2001………………………48.3% 2002………………………48.2% 2003………………………50.3% 2004………………………49.3% 2005………………………51.5% 2006………………………53.0% 2007………………………56.0% 2008………………………57.4%
Economic affects recycling In 2008, a record-high 57.4 percent of the paper consumed in the U.S. was recovered for recycling. The global recession resulted in a sharp decline in demand for paper and recovered fiber at the end of 2008, resulting in decreases in consumption and overall tons recovered. The long-term impact of the slowdown will depend on the speed with which the economy rebounds.
Recycling and Renewability Unlike nonrenewable materials like steel plastic, and aluminum , we can grow more trees. Back in 1993 forest land owners planted _?_ billion seedlings and managed the natural regeneration of millions of other trees. Answer: 107 billion
Recycling and Renewability Since _?_ we have been growing more wood in America than is harvested. Answer: 1940
Recycling and Renewability America’s total forest base has been stable since _?_. Answer: 1920
Recycling and Renewability Each day, Americans recover enough used paper to fill a train of boxcars _?_ miles long. Answer: 19 miles long
Recycling and Renewability That amounted to nearly 36 million tons of paper and paperboard in 1993—and average of _?_ pounds per American. Answer: 277
Recycling and Renewability While paper and paperboard consumption is currently four percent higher than it was in 1990, the amount of paper winding up in landfills is down 30 percent relative to the volume at the same time.
Approximately two-thirds of the paper recovered for recycling in the U Approximately two-thirds of the paper recovered for recycling in the U.S. is used domestically. Of that material, containerboard is the largest end-use, accounting for 31 percent of total collections.
Other uses boxboard (13 percent), tissue (8 percent), newsprint (6 percent). Approximately 7 percent of recovered paper goes to miscellaneous uses including various paper and paperboard grades, molded pulp products, hydromulch, and insulating materials.
Recycling and Renewability The End