10th Grade English Tuesday 26 Nov. 2013 Agenda: Dance Your Butt Off! Assign Symbolism Challenge Finish Silent Discussion of Chapter 7 H/W: Symbolism Project Due Friday, 12/6
Symbolism Project Name: Requirement: Points: Requirement: Points: Correct Quote that Proves the Object Represents Something Greater than Itself /5 Correct MLA Symbolic Representation of Object Clearly Displayed Concrete Object Clearly Displayed Art Project shows time and effort /10 Total Score: /30
Ch 7 Discussion Silent discussion Divide into 10 groups 5-minutes per rotation Read the question and think/find the quote for 2 minutes 3 minutes to write your thoughtful answer on the paper After 3 rotations, return to your original question. Read the answers and group them by similarities. Teacher will select one person to present common and remarkable answers to the class.
Chapter 7 Discussion Questions What might Ralph’s desire for hygiene symbolize? Why did Simon interrupt Ralph’s meditation on the ocean? What do you think made Simon speak? Do you think Ralph will get back? Why or why not? Does Ralph believe he will return? Why did Golding use the analogy, “Jack bent down to them as thought he loved them” of pig droppings? What are some reasons people imagine or fantasize about something not present? Why do you think Ralph indulges in memories so often? In your own words, summarize the interpersonal interactions that take place in between Jack’s statement, “He’s gone” (128) and “use a littlun” (130). What do you think of this game?
Why wouldn’t Ralph be a good chess player (132)? Why does Jack say, “We mustn’t let anything happen to Piggy, must we?” Why is the narrator’s comment, “as though something indecent had been said,” (page 134) ironic? Were you surprised that Roger chose to accompany Jack and Ralph up the mountain? Explain your reaction. Compare and contrast the approaches of Jack, Ralph, and Roger to dealing with checking the top of the mountain for the beast and their responses to what they found atop the mountain. What is your reaction to their attitudes? How does the point of view contribute to your reaction?