Things Not Seen Vocabulary
Chapters 1-2 Anomaly (4) – a deviation from the common rule; abnormality Theory (4) – a proposed explanation still subject to experimentation Crisis (6) – a condition of instability or danger Refraction (14) – the change of direction of a ray of light
Chapters 3-4 Disoriented (22) – confused; out of touch Periodicals (22) – a magazine or journal that is published at regular intervals Phenomenon (31) – something that is impressive or extraordinary
Chapters 5-6 Admittance (43) – permission or right to enter Grimace (50) – a facial expression that indicates disapproval or pain
Chapters 7-8 Complexion (59) – the natural color, texture, or appearance of the skin Scenarios (62) – sequence of events Vintage (62) – old-fashioned
Chapters 9-10 Correspondence (77) – communication often by letters
Chapters 11-12 Enormous (82) – huge; immense Detour (83) – an indirect or roundabout procedure or path Frantic (90) – desperate or wild with excitement or fear Frigid (91) – very cold in temperature Abducted (92) – to carry off or lead away illegally or by force Dignified (96) – stately; honorable
Chapters 13-14 Mellow (111) – a state or mood of ease and gentle relaxation Sleuthing (116) – tracking or trailing, as a detective Gradually (117) – taking place or moving little by little
Chapters 15-16 Mend (120) – to make whole or sound by repairing Perjury (124) – giving false testimony under oath Superficial (128) – concerned with only what is on the surface; shallow
Chapters 17-18 Paranoid (134) – suffering from excessive suspicion of the motives of others Jargon (146) – meaningless talk or writing; gibberish
Chapters 19-20 Inquiry (17) - a seeking or request for truth or information Loitering (176) – to linger aimlessly or without purpose
Chapters 21-22 Blacklisted (195) – a list of people under suspicion