Professional Learning Plan Analysis of Naplan data through a strand, strategy and misconception lens. Staff survey to identify concerns regarding teaching programs and professional learning needs. Needs Analysis Professional Learning Plan Student pre assessment Professional Learning Workshop Modelled Lessons and Feedback Key focus Exposure of students to non routine problems through a problem solving approach to mathematics Assessing to inform teaching plan and differentiation and to uncover student misconceptions. Cross year level knowledge and understanding of the mathematics curriculum. Application of Japanese lesson study model led and modelled by Marg Buckle. Lesson developed in response to Professional learning and analysis of student diagnostic tasks. Year level teachers observe lesson, discuss observations and plan for a lesson to be observed. Explicit Teaching of Numeracy Project 2015 Just in Time Professional Development aligned to teaching program. Based on FSIM Research and Diagnostic Map Focus on analysis of student diagnostic tasks to identify misconceptions and teaching of non negotiable key understandings. ½ day workshops for facilitate supervision of classes Cross year level groupings to facilitate teacher. knowledge of student developmental understanding of mathematics. Diagnostic Tasks administered prior to professional learning workshops. Identifies common misconceptions Links to developmental map Informs tiering