Industrial Engineering Department Summer Training Industrial Engineering Department
Outline 5 1 Summer Training Objective 2 Summer Training Requirements 3 Summer Training Plan 4 Fields of Training 5 Tentative Training Firms 5 6 Summer Training Deliverables Summer Training Deliverables Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Objective April 28, 2019
Summer Training Objective Applying industrial engineering concepts. Applying the problem solving techniques. Adapting the working environment. Improving the students skills. Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Requirements April 28, 2019
Summer Training Requirements The student must finish 130 Hr. before the training. The training will be 8 weeks. The student should prepare a progress report every week. The student should prepare a final report and presentation at the end of the training. The student should reflect the IUG policies in the training facility. Supervisor will visit the student at least 2 times during the training. Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Plan Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Plan First week : Second week : About Company: Mission, Vision , Staff, Establishment. Assessment Study: Needs, Problems. Second week : Scope of Work : Firm name, sector, Location, Duration of training , Purpose of training, Planned activities , Deliverables ( Study, Models,.....) Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Plan Cont. Third to Eighth weeks: Beginning of activities and seclude tasks. Identifying the firm departments. At the end of Eighth weeks Final Report and presentation should be submitted. Summer Training April 28, 2019
Fields of Training Summer Training April 28, 2019
Fields of Training Facility Layout and Material Handling. Ergonomics and Human Factors. Engineering Economy “ Feasibility Study” Manufacturing Quality Control. Production and Operations Management. Safety and Maintenance. Design of Experiments. Simulation. Summer Training April 28, 2019
Tentative Training Firms Summer Training April 28, 2019
Tentative Training Firms STTIC “ Sharq International Technology” Small Enterprise Center- Palestine ZANT CO. For medical supplies and labs Solid Waste Management Council Sewing Factories owners Union. GTZ : German Technical Cooperation Palestinian Construction Industries Union. Palestinian Federation of Industries. Summer Training April 28, 2019
Summer Training Deliverables April 28, 2019
Summer Training Deliverables New Layout, Re-design of layout. Ergonomic study. Feasibility Study. Control charts MRP, MPS, ERP, Work flow map Summer Training April 28, 2019
Any Question ? Summer Training April 28, 2019