Japanese Paper Marbling Suminagashi Japanese Paper Marbling
Suminagashi - “Floating Ink” Delicate, swirled patterns were produced on paper when colors of ink were floated on the surface of the water. History: Originated in China 2,000 years ago Practiced in Japan by Shinto priests early as the 12 century Marbling spread across Europe. Turkish marbling called Ebru
Process: Prepare inks, rice paper, brushes, marbling tray with water, newspaper Prepare the inks with surfectant solution (photoflow, ox gall, wetting agent)
3) Create the Design: Alternate touching the surface with ink dipped brush, then the surfectant dipped brush. Or alternate colors. Create concentric circles.
4) Make a Pattern: Wave a fan Drag a toothpick Blow with a straw Gently blow to create waves
5) Print the Paper: Lay rice paper gently on the surface Wait 3 seconds Gently peel off and lay flat to dry