Topic 4d Notes-Uncertainty in the 1920s Examine the clash between science and religion that occurred in the 1920s in the United States Analyze how foreign events after World War I and nativism led to the first Red Scare and immigrant quotas Analyze the intended and unintended consequences of Prohibition.
Scopes Trial 1920s-modernism-emphasis of science and secular values as opposed to religious ones Other side-fundamentalists-belief that every word in Bible was truth TN-illegal to teach evolution High school biology teacher John Scopes taught theory-arrested Trial drew national attention- Scopes found guilty Conflict between two sides continued-not settled by outcome of this case Why does the theory of evolution go against the literal translation of the Bible? How can science and religion be taught together and not be at such odds with one another? Can you think of personal examples of when the conflict of science and religion has made news, headlines, etc.?
Red Scare/Palmer Raids USSR & Russian Revolution- frightened Americans Caused Red Scare-fear of Communist Revolution in US Atty. General A. Mitchell Palmer- led series of raids that arrested thousands Accompanied by paranoia, violence, and unlawful convictions Why did the Russian Revolution scare Americans, particularly the US government so much? Who were the people that Palmer targeted? What are the major viewpoints of these various groups? What was largely the result of the Palmer Raids?
Immigration/Ku Klux Klan Nativism thought still very popular Pro-immigrant side v. Anti- immigrant side (eugenics) Immigrant quotas (2% of total) Reorganization of the Klan More targets: Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Immigrants, Labor Union leaders Remind yourself from Topic 2 what did nativists argue for? What were the major arguments given as to why in the 1920s immigration should be allowed and encouraged in the United States? What were the major arguments against immigration? How are these compare to opinions and viewpoints on immigration today? What tactics did the Ku Klux Klan use to accomplish their goals?
Prohibition 1919-Passage of 18th Amendment-prohibition of alcohol (Progressive success) Drys vs. Wets Bootleggers sold alcohol illegally & birth of speakeasies Al Calpone-huge consequences for organized crime 1933-passage of 21st Amendment-end of Prohibition What were the major arguments the two different sides used to either defend Prohibition or fight against it? What were some of the consequences of bootlegged alcohol? How did this increase health issues as well as organized crime? What were some of the major reasons why Prohibition failed?
1920s Review Things are changing in 1920s United States Economy-new consumers and economic layout Political-new style of government Social-forms of entertainment, values, etc. Issues Women African-Americans Immigrants Future of United States 1. Review these main topics. Consider each of the key points and remind yourself how these various topics changed in the United States during the 1920s.