Poison oak and indian rhubarb sorrounded the area. Sorounded Poison oak and indian rhubarb The area
Tall cone pines and evergreens were our only shade.
Hot sparks and solitary flames lighted the night in the forest. Forest fire
Slippery boulders and smooth pebbles covered the stream floor. Slippery bolders and smooth pebbles Covered Smooth pebbles
Fine cracks and slippery ledgers covered the sheer mountainside. Fine cracks and slippery ledges Covered The sheer mountainside
Hey!, Mom and dad, it’s like a whole other world up here!
When my parents were clinging to that sheer rock I got very anxious
Slowly Thin ledges The tips of out toes we Slowly, we inched our way up and up, gripping thin ledgers with the tips of our toes. Slowly Thin ledges The tips of out toes we
Sometimes, rocks pulled out, and fell deep down the ridge. Clung glue
It was about the hardest thing I ever did.
At bedtime, my family and I heard a growl, then a rustle in the brush.
Whenever I look at it, it reminds me of the waterfall. The dancer I It Waterfall reminds