Computers & Engineering Ms. Denise McGovney Mrs. Camelia Jolly Welcome to rooms 37 & 38
Computer Curriculum Software Applications: Microsoft PowerPoint 2016 Microsoft Excel 2016 Microsoft OneNote 2016 Office 365 – cloud storage & apps Web Tools – Google Classroom, Quizlet, Canva Coding - moving from consumer to producer Digital Citizenship – responsible use & safety Project Based Learning – improve 21st Century Skills & support school programs
Engineering Curriculum Project Lead the Way (PLTW) curriculum Hands-on learning Utilize the Design Process to create & solve real- life problems Keep Engineering Notebook Automation & Robotics Vex Robotic Kits Automate with Robot C software Design & Modeling Autodesk Inventor software 3-D printing
Absences & Catching-up Responsible to make up missed work in a timely manner Daily Reports on Google Classroom Students are encourage to come to study hall to catch up Monday & Thursday 3:15-3:55 PM or Tuesday or Wednesday 8-8:40 AM or as arranged May work at home by using Office 365 – FREE Microsoft Office downloads on multiple devices with cloud storage
Grading Policy Based on total points for participation, classwork, projects, quizzes, and tests Late work=partial credit if turned in within 1 week of due date Absent students will be given time to catch up & receive full credit.
Classroom Expectations Be on task and focused on the lesson Quietly listen during instruction and discussions Be respectful to everyone (no teasing, putdowns, name calling, bad and hurtful language) Participate in class and contribute to the learning Use all equipment, resources, and materials properly & safely (no throwing, pounding, playing around, visiting other sites, unauthorized searches Warning Reminder Slips If slip has name & date filled in, it goes home for a signature If not returned the next day, then a detention is assigned
Check for Daily Reports Assignments Materials/Resources Period 3 Google Classroom Period 6 Google Classroom Period 7 Google Classroom
Conference Period: Email: School Phone: Contact Us 2nd period from 9:39-10:25 AM Email: School Phone: (714) 816-3320 McGovney x77238 Jolly x77231 Contact Us Thank you for coming!
Want an Invitation to Google Classroom? Please send me an email at Give me your preferred email account You’ll get an invitation to join You’ll need to a create a free Google account Once you’ve been invited by one teacher, the other classes will automatically be added – only one invitation is needed for all classes Select the email frequency you’d like Can unsubscribe at any time
Select OneDrive and then Office 365 Search to find login page Student needs to log-in using school credentials on the device you want the download to go on. Select OneDrive and then Office 365 Then follow the steps to download
Los Al’s Single Sign-on
Here’s My Webpage Teachers McGovney Jolly
Check for Daily Reports Assignments Materials/Resources Period 1 Google Classroom Period 2 Google Classroom Period 4 Google Classroom Period 5 Google Classroom Period 7 Google Classroom