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The Doctrine of Suffering for Blessing. John 15:2b
Suffering and Spiritual Adulthood.
The Spiritual Life can be categorized by 2 phases:
The Spiritual Life can be categorized by 2 phases: 1 The Spiritual Life can be categorized by 2 phases: 1. Spiritual Childhood: Infancy and Adolescence
The Spiritual Life can be categorized by 2 phases: 1 The Spiritual Life can be categorized by 2 phases: 1. Spiritual Childhood: Infancy and Adolescence 2. Spiritual Adulthood: Spiritual Self Esteem, Spiritual Autonomy, Spiritual Maturity.
Five categories of suffering in the spiritual life.
1. Punitive suffering, designed for the reversionistic believer 1. Punitive suffering, designed for the reversionistic believer. * The law of volitional responsibility. * Divine discipline.
2. Suffering for Blessing, designed for adulthood 2. Suffering for Blessing, designed for adulthood. * Providential Preventative Suffering. * Momentum Testing. * Evidence Testing.
You cannot reach the point of consistent pruning until you reach the point where you live by the doctrine that is metabolized in your soul.
Therefore, there is no Suffering for Blessing until the believer attains SSE through residence, function, and momentum inside GPS.
SSE is the dividing line between Punitive Suffering and Suffering for Blessing.
The three categories of God’s pruning match up with the three stages of Spiritual Adulthood as noted in John 15:2-8.
3 Stages of Fruit Production a) vs. 2, “bears fruit”. b) vs 3 Stages of Fruit Production a) vs. 2, “bears fruit”. b) vs. 2, “bears more fruit”. c) vs. 5, “bears much fruit”
Verse 8 classifies ET; Witnesses for the prosecution (God) in the Angelic Conflict, just as Job was. This should be the goal of every believer.
Every category of Suffering for Blessing means an advance in your spiritual life - one step closer to fulfilling the Plan of God for the Church Age.
Each category of Suffering for Blessing is provided by the sovereignty of God under His grace policy. 2 Cor 12:9-10; Phil 4:11‑13
Principle: You should never pray for the removal of any Suffering for Blessing which is the means of fulfilling the Plan of God. Instead pray for God’s guidance and provision as you endure the suffering.
Grace Offering
Grace Fellowship Church Sunday, January 31, 2010 Tape # 10-012 Suffering for Blessing, Part 4b Upper Room Discourse, Part 331 John 15:2-8; 2 Cor 12:9-10; Phil 4:11-13 James H. Rickard Bible Ministries 2010