BACKGROUND Division of Europe after WWII left it with the Soviet Union in control of all the nations in Eastern Europe and part of Germany http://edition.cnn.com/SPECIALS/cold.war/episodes/01/maps/ The United States and Soviet Union had much different goals for Europe
Goals of U.S. and U.S.S.R. U.S. Free elections and democratic systems Core democratic values Free markets and global interaction Reunite Germany Access to markets and resources U.S.S.R. Communist gov. Command economies Use the wealth of Eastern Europe to rebuilt the Soviet Union Control over Eastern European countries Divided Germany
Consequences and effects Split in the United Nations-1945 Each super power uses it power in the Security Council to check the other Poland began the first country to clearly fall under the influence of the Soviet Union, becoming a satellite state Truman administration adopts a strategy of containment
continued Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and the formation of NATO are the major tools used to contain the Soviet Union Truman Doctrine: U.S. would support “free movements” with aid and other assistance against communist influence: Turkey and Greece-1947 Marshall Plan: rebuilt Europe with massive amounts of money and other resources Cost the U.S. 12.5 billion: 1948 North Atlantic Treaty Organization: U.S. and Western European military alliance which provided for “collective security”-1949 http://www.nato.int/#
Berlin Crisis 1948 http://www.usafe.af.mil/berlin/berlin.htm Became the symbol of the struggle between the U.S. and the Soviet Union U.S. is able to defend the Soviet embargo of Berlin by airlifting food and medicine for almost a year to the people of West Berlin The Soviets lost due to U.S. commitment and world pressure
MAIN IDEA OBEJECTIVE ONE The Cold War would begin with the division of Europe into two camps: the Western allies (NATO) and the Eastern nations (Warsaw Pact) directly after the end of WWII. The politics and economics of the Cold War would drive the development of the two superpowers and the rest of the world for many decades.
MAIN IDEA OBJECTIVE 2 The two superpowers had vastly different goals for their own development and that of their allies. The United States promoted its values of democracy and free markets, while the Soviet Union sought to further the ideas of communism; government control of economic and political life along with the principles of Marxism.
MAIN IDEA #3 The Truman Doctrine and Marshall Plan were used by U.S. government to limit the influence and power of the Soviet Union. Both plans pleaded support for the creation of politically and economically strong European nations to counter-balance the power of the Soviets. In spite of being controversial these two programs would help build democratic and free-market nations allied with the U.S.