CORPORATE MANAGEMENT presentation to Portfolio Committee: April 2016
ORGANISATIONAL TRANSFORMATION Executive Authority approved the new organisational structure on 01 September 2015 following concurrence of MPSA, this resulted in Corporate services downgrading from a Branch to a Chief Directorate: resultant DDG post allocated to new core Branch resulting in both core Programmes being structured at Branch level: all Administration divisions at Chief Directorate level.
CORPORATE MANAGEMENT Implementation of skills audit outcomes through 2016/17 Workplace Skills Plan: gender mainstreaming; project management; financial management for non-financial managers; monitoring and evaluation; knowledge and information management; advanced management development programme (MMS). Q2 profiling and evaluation of all posts on new organisational structure. Q3 undertake staff survey, which was previously done in 2013 – assess impact of transformation process. On-going review and consult on HR policies: current policies have been rebranded but require revision in terms of DoW values and objectives. On-going discussions with DPW for acquisition of DoW office space needs. Q1 purchase of backup licences for Disaster Recovery Site (R240k budgeted). Q2 implementation of electronic records management system for Ministry. Q1 engage NT for funding of Microsoft licences following incubation by Presidency (R3m required).