CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature


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Presentation transcript:

CGBN Co-ordination Group for Biodiversity and Nature 14th meeting – 21/03/13 Agenda item 2.1 Progress on Target 1 Developments since CGBN of 6th September 2012

Action 1: Completion of the Network (1) Site Designations New Union Lists for all 9 Biogeographic Regions were adopted by Habitats Committee on 4 October 2012 Marine N2000 designations: 2012 milestone (Target1-Biod strategy), to be reviewed in 2013 Transition to new Standard Data Form (SDF): Change reports and QA/QC under development New EU-database to be published soon SAC Barometer in preparation SAC designation: information on state of progress received from most MS – PILOTs will be sent

Action 1: Completion of the Network (2) Management Natura 2000 Seminars Boreal Natura 2000 Seminar held in January 2012 in Hämeenlinna (Finland) Follow-up meeting of the Boreal Seminar Steering Committee held in Tallin (Estonia) in November 2012 Atlantic Natura 2000 Seminar held in December 2012 in Bergen (The Netherlands) Follow-up meeting of the Atlantic Seminar Steering Committee held in Brussels in February 2013

Action 1: Completion of the Network (2) Management Natura 2000 Seminars - Continued Preparatory Workshop for the Alpine Natura 2000 Seminar to be held 12-14 June 2013 in Graz (Austria) Alpine Seminar planned for 25-26 November 2013 in Graz 1st meeting of the Steering Committee of the Mediterranean & Macaronesian (MED/MAC) Natura 2000 Seminar held in February 2013 (Lead MS still need to be designated!) MED/MAC Preparatory Workshop planned for December 2013 or January 2014 MED/MAC Seminar planned for June 2014


Natura 2000 Seminars planning First round BioGeo region Preparatory workshop Seminar Boreal 25/26 Jan. 2012 28/29 May 2012 Atlantic 20/21 June 2012 3/5 Dec. 2012 Alpine 12/14 June 2013 25/26 Nov. 2013 Mediterranean / Macaronesian December 2013 / January 2014 June 2014 (?) Continental / Pannonian / Steppic / Black Sea Autumn 2014 Spring 2015

Action 1: Completion of the Network (3) Management - continued Expert Group on Natura 2000 management 8th meeting of the expert group: 27 November 2012 9th meeting of the expert group: 22 March 2013 Main issues: Final draft guidance on conservation measures in Natura 2000, draft short 'concept note' with key elements & commendations on conservation measures, final draft guidance on farming in Natura 2000, work on financing Natura 2000, progress on SAC designation in MS, New Biogeographical process.

Action 1: Completion of the Network (4) Management –marine issues Synergies with MSFD: FAQ doc. on "links between Birds/Hab Dir and MSFD" finalised, posted on Web Marine expert group meeting held November (back-to-back with MSFD workshop) – MPA reporting also addressed Fisheries issues: "Common methodology for assessing fisheries impacts on marine Natura 2000 sites" finalised, posted on Web Possible follow-up: sensitivity analysis (fishing gear vs. marine habitats) to support future fisheries measures Commission monitoring/supporting MS efforts to introduce fisheries measures under the CFP (eg. Doggerbank) EU action plan on reducing seabirds by-catch adopted New Biogegraphical process: Marine habitats & species to be addressed across regions – Marine expert group main forum

Action 2: Financing of Natura 2000 Final Format and Note on PAFs sent to MS, deadline end 2012 Internal Discussion in Commission re. Strategic Frameworks and Partnership Contracts Commission MFF proposals discussed in Council and EP Dedicated workshop on LIFE-PAF projects to take place on 3 October in Brussels New support contract to update Handbook on Financing Natura 2000, provide seminars in some MS and develop methodology for PAF-OP consistency evaluation

Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement (1) Guidance docs Inland waterway transport: Guidelines completed, posted on Web, translations and leaflet planned. Aquaculture: Document finalised, posted on Web, translations and leaflet planned. Guidance on Climate Change and Natura 2000 & Guidance on Wilderness and Natura 2000 – final drafts subject to internal COM consultations Art 6 guidance doc update: Draft to be available by mid 2013. Based on Court rulings and taking into account work under N2000 man. group re. SAC designation, cons. objectives and management planning. Guidance on Natura 2000 and farmland: 2nd workshop on 25 September 2012. 3rd meeting of the working group on 6 November 2012. Final draft guidance will be presented to expert group on N2000 management on 22/3/13 and Habitats Committee on 25/4/2013 Guidance on Forestry and Natura 2000: First workshop held on 13 December 2012. Second workshop planned for 23 May 2013. First meeting of working group planned for autumn 2013

Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement (2) ORNIS committee on 5/10: Key items: Roadmap on Illegal Killing of Birds, Recovery Plans, marine SPA designations, CMS Raptor MoU, Revision of Bird Species Action Plans and Management Plans, Cormorants, EU action plan for Seabirds Roadmap against illegal bird killing followed up. IMPEL project set up, contacts continued with EU-TWIX. Commission working on follow-up to implementation Communication / 7th EAP Energy infrastructure: - Guidance on N2000 & electricity/gas/oil transmission facilities- draft to be sent to MS in April 2013, followed by ISC and adoption. - Work ongoing to follow-up new TEN-E Regulation, to develop guidance on streamlining environment assessment procedures.

Action 3: Stakeholder awareness & involvement and enforcement (3) Public Awareness 20 years celebrations finalised: 5th Natura 2000 LIFE site live event (in Spain) and Europarc / Eurosite celebratory Conference successfully took place Natura 2000 Newsletter N° 33 out Economic Benefits of Natura 2000 report out

Action 4: Reporting nature directives Last meeting of Reporting Group: 20 March 2013: Focus now on the analysis of the next round (2007-2012) MS reports expected by 30th June 2013 (Art.17) and 31st December 2013 (Art.12) – respect the deadlines!! Scoreboard in preparation! Target 1: methodology on how to calculate progress close to finalisation Conservation status & Natura 2000: EEA organised sub-group meeting in early March, good progress made Target 2(restoration) & "nature pilot" was discussed Streamlining with MSFD Use of marine habitats and species data from nature directives for MSFD reporting agreed for this round Reporting requirements on Marine Protected Areas under MSFD based on Natura 2000 db & CDDA