Department of Roma Integration, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour Roma policy in Hungary Positive actions Andor Urmos Department of Roma Integration, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour Hungary 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Policy environment Law on Equal Treatment and Equal Opportunities (adopted in 2003) 1021/2004. Government Decree – Roma Strategy for 2004-2006 Decade of Roma Inclusion – long-term strategy 2005-2015 2 years Action Plans (2008-2009) Positive actions – no legal background in Hungary 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Data collection Community Self-identification – 190 thousand Roma in Hungary Independent research – 600 thousand Roma in Hungary Policy design Ethnic-based design (Roma programs) Social exclusion design Monitoring Policy efficiency Quality of life of Roma 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Decade of Roma Inclusion Target group measures Decade of Roma Inclusion „Group targeting” – measures to groups where the Roma are overrepresented, (long-term unemployment, low educational attainment, early school leaving, etc.) „Territorial targeting” – measures to territories where the Roma are overrepresented (most disadvantaged territories, Roma settlements, ghettos) 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Target group measures Decade of Roma Inclusion Equal opportunity criteria All governmental initiatives should focus on educational and housing segregation (praecondition of access to resources) Supporting networks for the Roma to help their access to services (e.g. in employment, education, human rights’ protection) Programs focused on Roma minority (culture and anti-discrimination) 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Access of Roma to basic facilities Social policy, employment facility, healthcare – disadvantaged groups How we can ensure access of Roma among disadvantaged people? Positive actions, aiming to provide equal access (avoiding segregation of the problem) 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Roma networks Roma civil cervants in all line ministries Comissioners, head of departments, experts Roma managers in labour offices (county level) - (employees are selected by self-identification) Roma assistants in primary schools Roma scholarships for healthcare providers, social workers, etc. Involvement of Roma NGOs to basic facilities 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Minority rights vs. positive actions Minority rights – anti-discrimination, culture, participation in decision making, Positive action – based on ethnicity, factors of disadvantaged status 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Law on Ethnic Minorities – minority (13 registered) self-governments on local and national levels 1100 local Roma self-government in 2007 Roma scholarship system – based on ethnicity and social status (10 000 students/year) Roma employment programs – self-identification in the labour system ROMASTER program – action by mulitinational companies 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Registered vacant jobs (a), registered unemployment (B) and unemployment rate (c) by regional breakdown Northern Hungary a. 3272 b. 88838 c. 17,4% Transdanubia a. 4510 b. 33478 c. 6,6% Northern Great Plain a. 2385 b. 103256 c. 16,4% Central Hungary a. 8846 b. 46922 c. 3,6% Western Transdanubia a. 3487 b. 28299 c. 6,0% Southern Great Plain a. 4829 b. 62250 c. 11,2% Southern Transdanubia a. 1842 b. 54183 c. 13,1% 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Mobility Labour market need and demand should be harmonised High unemployment rate in depressed regions – job vacancies in developed regions Complex approach – establishing the chance! Employment service (training, wage support, etc.) – in more developed region Social work – relationship among services Housing – flexibile solutions (rent) 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Segregation Education 178 homogenous Roma schools Around 3000 homogenous Roma classes De-segration policy Legal environment – Law on Public Education Special projects (mentally handicapped children, afternoon-schooling, school renovation, etc.) Equal opportunity funding policy – Desegration criteria for EU funds! 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Segregation Housing Cca. 500 Roma settlements Growing territorial ghettoisation De-segregation policy Special de-segration projects for Roma settlements Equal opportunity funding policy – Desegration criteria for EU funds Urban development projects – No de-segregation EU funds! 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
New ways of implementations of positive actions Equal opportunity plan of state-owned companies, institutions (more than 50 employees) – no municipalities! Defined in Law in Equal Opportunities és Equal Treatment Precondition in access to resources (EU funds) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Special criteria for Roma employment Procurement procedure Equal opportunity criteria – equal opportunity plan, employment of local employees, preferencess for enterprises, employing long-term unemployed persons 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
II. National Development Plan (2007-2013) Using experiences (phare, national development plan I.) Less open tendering – more centralized program („complex” programs, normatives) More defined equal opportunity criteria Building-up Roma networks in all areas Strongly differentiated view on regional differences 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR Summary Data collection Policy design (ethnic based versus social exclusion) Mobililty on labour market Segregation (education, housing) Strong need for positive actions 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR
Thank you for your attention! 30/04/2019 Understanding Positive Actions, ENAR