Organization’s Name Logo What would you like for us to say about your organization and this grant on Facebook? Create a post here: Organization’s Name Logo Help us write an Instagram post about your grant: Twitter Post (140 characters or less): Your five words here: 1∙2∙3∙4∙5 Your social media handle: @GiveToGrant
Why do you do WHAT YOU DO? Press Release: Copy and paste your press release here. Tell us WHY you do what you do (Give us a summary of why you chose this specific project? Why is this cause important? Why is this important for Washington County?):
How did you make the why happen? Tell us a specific story (Give us a summary of HOW this grant improved the life of an individual you serve. How did this grant allow you to meet your mission? How did this grant improve the quality of life in Washington County?):
What are the results? Complete this statement and elaborate as needed: With this funding, (your organization)… Tell us about the results (Give us a summary of WHAT results are relevant to this grant and your organization's mission. Provide data-driven information that explains how this grant was utilized.):
Add a High resolution Picture of Your project in action here