High Five! Your Organization’s Name Mission 1∙2∙3∙4∙5 Logo Your five words here: 1∙2∙3∙4∙5 Your Organization’s Name Logo Mission
Show us the Impact What would you like to say to the donor that provided the fund for your grant? Complete this statement: With this funding ___ was able to ____. Headline: If the media wrote a story on your grant, what would you want the headline to be?
High resolution Picture of Your project in action
Performance Accountability Please tell us specifically how you invested these grant dollars and the outcome of your program/project here: Quantity Quality Effort How much did we do? How well did we do it? Effect Is anyone better off? Number Percent
Help us promote you on social media! What would you like for us to say about your organization and this grant on Facebook? Create a post here: Help us promote you on social media! Help us write an Instagram post about your grant: Twitter Post (140 characters or less): Your social media handle: @GiveToGrant