Chapter 12: Sociohistorical Process in Sport Studies SFM 651: Research Methods Dr. Johnson
“the past can never be precisely replicated… “the past can never be precisely replicated….reconstructed on the basis of evidence which has been selected from pre-supposition” Marvin Eyler 1974
Sport History Became huge in the 1970’s Lots of excitement and studies done Classes created Articles published Has gotten less interest in recent years In order to know WHY, we need to know HOW
Sources Primary Secondary Created or witnessed by someone directly associated with the topic Secondary Written by people not associated with topic
Topics See chapter for ideas 235 (bottom) and 236 (top) Usually asking (and answering) and specific question about the past. 235 (bottom) and 236 (top)
Design Descriptive history Analytical history What happened Complexity of relationships and how and why sport developed the way it did
Collecting evidence Primary sources First hand accounts Documentation of events Technology has helped with sources
Data Analysis Criticism How authentic is the source (external) What bias was part of the source (internal) Covered by a home team reporter? Lack of full information Don’t want to cover certain parts
Findings Must be logical No specific rules or requirements Much like a qualitative study Tell a story