Email: Our Fourth Grade Classroom News The Week of January 8, 2019 Email: Twitter: @BethGress1 Website: Upcoming Events Reminders Jan 11 Skate Night 6-9 PM Jan 17 Space Camp Parent Meeting @ 6:00 Jan 21 MLK DAY (No School) Feb 1 Father/Daughter Dance 6-8 Welcome Back! Hope everyone had a fabulous break. Report cards will be coming home Friday, Jan. 11th. Make sure students are reading every night and practicing multiplication facts. *** Please make sure Chromebooks are charged Nightly and brought to school Daily. Reminders Our Learning Reading/ELA – Review Text Structure (chronology, cause/effect, problem/solution, comparison) Writing – Opinion Writing Math – Fractions/ PBL Social Studies – Abolitionist and Suffrage Goal Setting: Reading focused – ask your student what their plan is for showing mastery of standard RI5 ELAGSERI5: Describe the overall structure (comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text. Field Trip Reminders If you have not paid for the field trip. Please make arrangements to take care of that as soon as possible.