area 1
12 7M3 2
absolute value 3
10 7N4 4
12 7N4 5
bar graph 6
08 8D2 7
coordinate plane 8
12 7P4 9
10 7G4 The coordinates are 10
congruent 11
10 7G2 The side of GHEF congruent to AB is 12
decimal 13
12 7N1 14
expression 15
11 7.N6 16
11 7P2 17
08 7P2 18
11 7P3 19
edge 20
11 7G7 21
equation 22
12 7P4 23
08 7P6 24
exponent 25
10 7N5 26
fraction 27
11 7.N.9 fractions The total number of cupcakes Alice are was 28
graph 29
09 7d1 30
Interior angles 31
11 7G1 Interior Angle Measures 32
mean 33
12 7D2 34
median 35
12 7D2 The median number of bottle of juice sold for the 8 days was 36
06 8D3 37
mode 38
10 8D3 mode 39
08 8D3 40
11 7d2 41 You can use the next slide if you need room
numerator 42
order of operations 43
09 8N7 44
09 8N5 45
probability 46
09 7D3 47
pattern 48
10 7P1 49
quadrilateral 50
range 51
08 7D2 The range of the heights of the herons is 52
09 7D2 53
Right angle 54
08 7G1 55 The value of x is
stem-and-leaf plot 56
11 7D1 57
08 7D1 58
Scientific Notation 59
08 7N3 60
transformation 61
11 7.G.6 62
unit price 63
08 7N2 64
venn diagram 65
11 7D1 66
variable 67
08 7P2 68
09 8P6 69
volume 70
12 7M3 The volume of the rectangular prism is 71
whole number 72
x-axis 73
12 7g4 The coordinates of point T are: 74
yards (measurement) to inches 75
10 7m1 76
zero 77
extra credit 78
extra credit 79
Work Cited 80
Extra slide to put pictures on if needed 81
how to group 82 Draw angle with line tool Acute Angle >0 º< 90º Draw angle with line tool With your mouse draw a rectangle around it all Draw--group Obtuse Angle >90 º< 180 º Right Angle 90º 82
Demo with transitions 83 Acute Angle >0 º< 90º Right Angle 90º Obtuse Angle >90 º< 180 º 83
Rubric 85
4 86
4 87
3 88
2 89
1 90
Rubric 93
4 94
4 95
3 96
2 97
1 98
Directions 100 Math Vocabulary Links Add Video LEARN Look up the definition (at least 2 different websites/book and write your own definition and type it into the text box. Make sure YOU understand the meaning of the word. Find/create a visual for the word, that demonstrates your understanding of the math vocabulary word. Use Custom Animation/Action buttons…be original! PRACTICE/TEACH Use Word Art and Auto Shapes to illustrate the MCAS question. Add custom animation. Optional: add a hyperlink to practice examples or to a video. Math Vocabulary Links Add Video 100
Created by: Name Multimedia Math Vocabulary 101
Learn...Practice...Teach Getting Ready for... 102
ABC Multimedia Math Project Goals and Objectives: Create a Math Multimedia Slideshow using PowerPoint—complete with digital images, borders, clip art, word art and animations to make the presentation exciting! Guide students through the “design “ phase of their PowerPoint creations. Learn about Design Strategies and practice applying them to their slides . Use critical thinking skills to design a slide for each vocabulary math word. Learn how to use the drawing toolbar and custom animations. Use search engines effectively to find information to enhance slides. Learn how to use Action Buttons to hyperlink to internet sites and hyperlink to other slides. To build math vocabulary by having students research the special meaning of words in math. To help to review for Math MCAS test in May by having students demonstrate their understanding of math vocabulary and by working out actual mcas test questions 2006-2012. This will provide review and remediation to all students. Create a polished slideshow with a clear focus, adequate detail that highlights their math vocabulary. Present the “best” slides to Grades 4, 5and or 6. 103
MCAS Dept. of Sec. Ed. 104
How to add an Action Button click video game Go to the website you want to link to Copy the URL Go back to your PowerPoint slide Go to Auto Shapes—select action buttons—draw the first one onto your PowerPoint slide Action Setting box appears---Hyperlink to--down arrow to URL CTRL V to paste the URL You can color in the box and write on it too! You must be in slideshow to test it out! Be sure to link video, more information, or games/activities Be Creative! Happy Surfing! 105
Rubric Grade/Group__________Date__________________ Mrs. Beck/Computers 90-100 80-89 60-79 0-59 4 3 2 1 Excellent Advanced Good Proficient Fair Needs Improvement Poor Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—slide has originality and great design that shows inventiveness. Student used drawing toolbar and visuals/action buttons along with custom animation/sound to reinforce screen text and presentation. Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—The slide shows a little bit of originality of originality but based on other people’s ideas, images. Good visual and drawing toolbar was used to enhance visual. Visuals related to text and presentation. Custom animation was added. Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only basic questions. Student presents information in logical, sequence—The slide has little originality is very basic and there is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. Student used visuals mostly copy/pasted—didn’t use drawing toolbar and didn’t add animation. Displays just a little knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. The slide is a minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas, and images (copy and paste). There is no evidence of new thought. Student used very little/part of or no visuals. 106
1 Needs Improvement 0-59 Displays just a little knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject. The slide is a minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas, and images have been copy/pasted. There is no evidence of new thought. Student used very little/part of or no visuals. 107
Area Number of square units needed to cover a surface enclosed by a geometric figure Demo 1 108
2 Fair Needs Improvement 60-79 Displays knowledge of math vocabulary. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only basic questions. Student presents information in logical, sequence—The slide has little originality is very basic and there is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. Student used visuals mostly copy/pasted didn’t use drawing toolbar and didn’t add animation. 109
AREA The number of square units that covers a shape or figure. The size a surface takes up measured in square units. 5 x 4 Demo 2 110
3 Good Proficient 80-89 Displays knowledge of math vocabulary. Student is at ease with content, but fails to elaborate. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—The slide shows a little bit of originality but based on other people’s ideas, images. Good visual and drawing toolbar was used to enhance visual. Visuals related to text and presentation. Custom animation was added. 111
a e r a 7 x area=49 squared in. 7 Demo 3 112 The size of a surface. The amount of space inside the boundary of a flat object (two dimensional) object such as a triangle or circle. area=49 squared in. 7 Demo 3 To find the area of a square or rectangle, multiply the length by the width. 112
4 Excellent Advanced 90-100 Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—slide has originality and great design that shows inventiveness. Student used drawing toolbar and visuals/action buttons along with custom animation to reinforce screen text and presentation. 113
Count the little one-inch squares and find the total area. See Area Formulas Count the little one-inch squares and find the total area. The number of square units that cover a shape or figure. 4 3 4 x 3 12 2 in Is it the same as multiplying the width of the rectangle by the height? Demo 4 114
Angle Scoring: What a 0 looks like Teacher Demo 115
The figure formed by lines Displays just a little knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject The slide is a minimal collection or rehash of other people’s ideas, and images (copy and paste). There is no evidence of new thought. Student used very little/no visuals. Student didn’t use animation or action buttons. The figure formed by lines Angle Scoring: What a 1 looks like Teacher Demo 116
Angle Scoring: What a 2 looks like Teacher Demo 117 Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only basic questions. Student presents information in logical, sequence—The slide has little originality and there is no evidence of new thought or inventiveness. Student occasional used visuals that did support text and presentation. Students used little animation, no action buttons. The figure formed by rays (two line segments) that extend from a given point. Scoring: What a 2 looks like Teacher Demo 117
Click on the word rays to learn more…. Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student demonstrates full knowledge with explanations. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—slide has originality and great design. Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. Student understands action buttons and custom animation. Click on the word rays to learn more…. The figure formed by rays (two line segments) that extend from a given point. Angle Investigate More about angles Play a game Scoring: What a 3 looks like Teacher Demo end 118
What are some angle names? Displays knowledge of Math vocabulary. Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) with explanations and elaboration. Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence—slide has originality and great design that shows inventiveness. Student used visuals to reinforce screen text and presentation. Student understands action buttons and custom animation and used animation in a unique way. Teacher Demo Obtuse Angle >90 º<180 º Right Angle 90º Right Angle Acute Angle >0 º<90º Acute Angle Obtuse Angle Angles So many different angles! Investigate More about angles This is Easy! What are some angle names? What do they measure? This can be confusing Test it out! Angle Games! YES! It equals 180° Is a straight line an angle? Click to find out… Scoring: What a 4 looks like end 119 All these are angles!