Word of the Day: Warm Up: Why would Progressives be against the idea of Social Darwinism? Word of the Day: Populist Party (Populism) A new nations political party (third party) representing the “Common Man”- farmers, industrial workers, and miners- in the battle against banking and railroad interests
The Progressive Era The Populist Party Essential question- how did farmers respond to the problems they face in the late 19th century?
Agricultural Overproduction Periodic Natural Disasters Farmer Problems 1870-1900 Problem Explanation Agricultural Overproduction : food prices fall High Costs : railroad companies charged outrageous prices to ship crops Debt : Famers borrowed money and went further into debt- high interest rates Periodic Natural Disasters : One bad year could wipe out a crop and the family’s savings. Which one of the problems is the worst? Create a postage stamp drawing for that problem.
Mortgaged Home To buy land Wheat Prices Fall Produce More Wheat Lower Wheat Prices More Debt Can’t pay off Loans
From 1867 to 1887, a bushel of wheat fell from $2. 00 a bushel to $0 *From 1867 to 1887, a bushel of wheat fell from $2.00 a bushel to $0.62 a bushel
Who did they blame for their problems? THE GRANGE MOVEMENT Who: Farmers Purpose: A social club for farmers to help them overcome rural isolation and spread information about new farming techniques Who did they blame for their problems? THE RAILROADS Why would this social club be important for farmers?
THE GRANGE MOVEMENT- SUCCESSES The Grange Successes Munn v. Illinois (1877) Supreme Court rules the right of the state to regulate businesse that affected public interest Interstate Commerce Act Prohibts railroads from charging more for short hauls than for long hauls Interstate Commerce Commission Created to investigate complaints and to enforce acts. Marks a change from the “laissez-faire” economy of the past
Populists Party Platform In 1892 the farmers gave their support to the Populist Party, a new national political party representing the “common man”- farmers, industrial workers, and miners- in the battle against railroad interests. Populists Party Platform The people have more power Ending oppression and Injustice Government should take a larger role Term Limits for the President Government Ownership of railroads, telegraphs, and telephones Immigration restrictions 4. Unlimited Coinage of silver- to raise prices and make loan repayment easier 5. Graduate income tax 6. Shorter Work Day- 8 hours 7. Direct Election of Senators 8. Secret Ballot- to protect voters from intimidation
ELECTION CAMPAIGNS 1896 1892 1900 Democrat- Grover Cleveland Republican- Benjamin Harrison Populist- James Weaver Populists were able to get 5 Senator elected and over 1 million votes for their Presidential Candidate. Republican- William McKinley Democrat/Populist- William Jennings Bryan (Join together) Populists supported William Jennings Bryan after he praised farmers and criticized bankers in his Cross of Gold Speech. Republican- William McKinley Democrat/Populist- William Jennings Bryan (Join together) When McKinley won a second time, this virtually brought an end to the Populist Party.
THIRD PARTIES Third parties often have an impact on the political process. They provide an outlet for minorities to voice grievances and generate new ideas. Turn and Talk: The Populist Party was a third party that didn’t last…. What happened to their concerns? Can you list examples of other American Third Parties?