Landlords are important – but success does not start there … Landlords are important – but success does not start there …. Success requires taking each step at a time.
STEP 1: THE REFERRAL PROCESS HOW DO PEOPLE GET TO YOU? Are you the outreach worker? The housing provider? The service worker? Someone needs to know that you can help with housing How does that happen? How do you control the flow?
STEP 2: Establish a Relationship A good trusting relationship with the individual is the best foundation for success Many people we assist have experienced journeys of distrust Many have been promised a great deal that have not happened Do not promise what cannot be delivered Meet the person as soon as possible after they have been referred No forms, no assessments, no paperwork Just a person talking to a person – who are they? What is important to them? What do they want you to know about them as a person? If they are currently at some type of facility…. Then have the referral staff meet you there and introduce you to the person…a warm handoff
STEP 3: ASSESSMENT NOW YOU CAN START DOING ASSESSMENTS past housing Please do not call it Housing Barriers! Really!!! Way toooooooo negative and there is more to their story past housing Which neighborhoods do they prefer? Is it near bus or other transportation, shopping, etc. where, what did they like about it, how long did they live there, did they leave on good terms, did they leave owing money – to any landlord Where do they not want to live? What neighborhoods are unacceptable? Yes, you will cover past housing problems and criminal history and other housing “barriers” but you should also talk about what went right, what worked for them, what did they learn, etc.
STEP 4: ACTIVE HOUSING SEARCH STILL NOT CULTIVATING LANDLORDS….. NOPE! NOT YET! Remember fidelity to the PSH model is having the individual participate! This is NOT, NOT, NOT a “Placement” Service! Eliminate “Placement”, “Placing”, etc. from your vocabulary!!!! The individual is apartment hunting; you are just facilitating his/her search Drive around, look at options, make sure the neighborhood is someplace the person can live in and WANTS to live in. This is NOT YOUR DECISION!!!!
STEP 4: ACTIVE HOUSING SEARCH Suggestions for finding units Drive around the neighborhoods the person is interested in Go to Great place to start….. Craigslist Neighborhood papers – apartment guides – sometimes they list specials Realtors and property managers – yes!!!! They want to find you, too! Just stop by complexes that have “specials” and introduce yourself Income or rent restricted housing lists from your area PHA The area continuum of care – really! Are you involved with your coc?
STEP 5: KNOW YOUR RESOURCES, KNOW YOUR FUNDING SOURCES, KNOW YOUR LIMITATIONS Know the various vouchers/rent subsidies ------ what tools are in your tool box? Know the various vouchers/rent subsidies ------ what tools are in other people’s tool boxes that you can tap into? Know the rules ------- if you know the rules for the various funding sources, you will minimize delays and false starts and denials and frustrations……….
STEP 6: NOW! GET TO THE LANDLORD How would you have known what landlords to engage, if you did not know where the person wanted to live? Once the individual narrows down choices, it is time to make applications. Go to the complex, meet the property manager, see a unit, talk about what the person likes about the unit/complex. Help the property manager get to know the person as a person – help establish a positive relationship with your client. This makes your job easier. Go back to the complex on your own. Help educate the property manager about your program – give them the benefits of working with you and your program. Know the answers to their concerns – what happens if the person does not pay their rent, what happens if there are damages, what happens if the person becomes disruptive, What happens if …..
STEP 6: NOW! GET TO THE LANDLORD Why should that landlord work with you? They know more upfront about the applicant than they normally would They know they have a phone number and contact to call when there are problems They know there may be money to pay for unpaid rent, damages, etc. They have you! Or someone on your team! You make a big difference!
STEP 7: UGH! NOW THE PAPERWORK! An important step is getting all the paperwork together – including for the property manager. Don’t wait until the person completes an application to start gathering all the appropriate documents!!!! The property manager needs paperwork, the funder needs paperwork, your finance department needs paperwork – EVERYONE needs paperwork to be gathered, verified, completed and submitted! Create a form/chart that tracks the status of the paperwork – yes, paperwork to track paperwork! Keep copies of everything!!! Electronically and in paper if necessary!!! Especially copies of anything sent to the government… as Adam said….this is the time when papers are moved from desk to desk to desk Oh, yeah!
STEP 8: HOW TO KEEP EVERYONE HAPPY Stay on top of everything! The property manager/landlord needs their money, needs you to return their calls quickly, needs you to “fix” things, needs you to be available, and needs to be sure there is little disruption to their property – this will go a long way to keep the landlord happy. Finance department needs the right documentation, needs changes to rent, etc. handed in quickly, needs to know when to stop paying, etc. – this will go a long way to keep them happy. BTW – it also helps if they know just how important they are in helping a homeless person get in out of the cold, or a person finally leave a state institution, etc. We try to make sure that these workers sometimes know enough of the stories to understand they are doing important work. We keep them VERY busy. The individual needs to know you are there, you are not dumping them in housing and then walking away. You are there to help pick up the pieces and encourage their success. CATCH THEM DOING SOMETHING RIGHT AND LET THEM KNOW!!!
In conclusion…. All the work and stress that you and the individual have been through during this process disappears the moment the key is placed in the door for the first time!