STEM needs YOU Today we are launching Bexley’s “BIG NOISE STEM YEAR” with a competition for YOU. What is STEM?
S T E M cience echnology ngineering athematics “BIG NOISE STEM” Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are subjects that are key to the UK’s future prosperity. Industry and research need experts who can work across STEM subjects in innovative ways. It is therefore important that YOU are well educated in all aspects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We want to ensure that YOU have a good understanding of STEM and their relationships to each other, so that you will be able to participate fully and make informed decisions about how you live your lives. athematics
2010/11 is BEXLEY’S “BIG NOISE STEM” YEAR So we want to help you progress on your journey through the Bexley “Big NOISE STEM” year of activities
Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” 2010/11 What is it? Logo competition (Autumn) Career Video Clip Competition (Autumn-Spring) Conference (6th April 2011) Career and Enrichment Activities (Spring-Summer) The year starts with two competitions, open to all students. Today we are launching the Logo competition. In a few weeks, you will hear about an exciting media competition, and in April some of you will get the opportunity to be involved in our fantastic “BIG NOISE STEM conference”. During the Spring and Summer terms, some special activities will be taking place in school for various groups of students that we think you will really enjoy.
“BIG NOISE STEM” is a Bexley initiative running throughout 2010/11 to improve the profile of STEM subjects and raise all young peoples’ awareness of the exciting range of STEM career opportunities. So, why are all these events happening? Through this programme we hope that you will learn more about STEM, perhaps even become inspired and fascinated by STEM, and hopefully you will become one of the highly skilled employees that our country and the world will need.
Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” needs a LOGO from YOU! So, back to our Logo Competition. Organisations use Logos to make themselves instantly recognisable. We need an eye catching logo that will appear on all the documentation for Bexley “Big Noise STEM”, so that teachers and students will instantly recognise it. You can see here some logos. Some represent countries, some represent companies. Most Logos are usually striking but fairly simple. It is up to you whether you wish to include the words or not. So having given you some ideas……
The winning LOGO will be used on: The Bexley STEM website All promotional stationery for Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” Certificates for all participants in the Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” Winning competition news releases and Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” items on National STEM websites …..Here are some examples of where the Logo will appear. Not only will it appear across the whole of Bexley, but it will also be seen nationally.
Represent Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” The LOGO needs to: Represent Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” Be 2.6cm high by 4.6cm wide but you can design it to larger scale (ask your maths or art teacher about this if you are not sure) There are very few rules for entries, the important thing is that it represents Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM”. We would expect a winning entry to try and capture the meaning of Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” within the design somehow. It will eventually need to fit into a box that is 2.6cm high and 4.6cm wide, but this is probably too small to use for designing purposes, so you can submit any logo which is an enlargement of this size. Ask your maths or art teachers if you are not sure about this. You can produce it using any art materials you wish or using computer graphics. It is up to you.
Deadline : Friday 15th October 2010 Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” Logo Competition sponsored by Deadline : Friday 15th October 2010 Your teacher will tell you how to submit your design. Just one thing to remember – the closing date for entries is Friday 15th October, that is the day before half term. Entries should be submitted to …….(school to inform students of the school arrangements here and whether the will need a permission slip completed for photographs) You will need to put your name, age, form and school on the back of your entry. A poster will be put up in every form room later today to remind you about all details, so don’t worry if you can’t remember all of this.
Bexley “BIG NOISE STEM” Logo Competition Prizes sponsored by Top 100 entries will receive a goodie bag. The winner will receive a TI Nspire Handheld Finally, but MOST importantly, the competition is being sponsored by Texas Instruments who will be providing some excellent prizes. Every entry will receive one of their Goodie bags and the overall winner will also receive a TI Nspire Handheld, which I am sure many of your teachers will be very keen to get their hands on!!!
YOU! BIG NOISE STEM LOGO COMPETITION NEEDS Good Luck! Start Now! So, all you budding artists or graphic designers, here is a chance to get yourself noticed. Talk to your parents, teachers and friends to get some ideas. On the posters there are some websites links that might also help you to get some ideas. You have plenty of time to produce something by the deadline of 15th October. Thank you and good luck.