Warm Up # 7 Why are soldiers fighting in World War I, what do they have in common with their enemies?
The Course of War Notes Workbook pg. 14
Essential Question How did World War I progress, how did it end?
Modern War Not kings/armies but whole societies Fought in towns and fields War dragged on for four years Only way to end was to utterly ruin opponent War of attrition
Modern War The first great Industrial War Mass production of repeating rifles, machine guns, artillery, ammunition, uniforms, trucks No shortage of food for troops
Inventions of the WWI Era The Machine Gun changes warfare Defensive stalemate in the West Trench warfare Tanks Submarines (U-boat) Fighting Aircraft Poison gas
Global War Fighting carried out in colonies Fighting in East Africa and the Middle East Raw materials and soldiers imported to help the fight in Europe
Revolt in the East Oct. 1917: Russian troops revolt against officers Leads to Communist Revolution in Russia Russia signs treaty with Germany Ends war on Eastern Front
How does it end? 1917: US enters the war and helps Allies defeat Germany on the Western Front. November, 11th 1918: Armistice (ceasefire) agreed to by both sides
Consequences of the War Europe lay in ruin Over 9 million dead Over 21 million injured Flu epidemic spreads after killing 1 million more Almost an entire generation of capable workers gone
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