Consider Life's Dimensions Eccl 7:13-14
Life Is Made Up Of Varied Experiences Straight things: Prosperity, enjoyment - Acts 17:25; Jas 1:17 Crooked things: Disappointment, trial, suffering - Job 14:1
Different Events Call For Different Responses Good things call for pleasantness - Psa 103:1-2 Crooked things call for consideration (think about, ponder, meditate)
Variation Serves A Good Purpose In Life We are strengthened as we go through the school of life with good and bad Alternation prevents our finding out future events
Variation Serves A Good Purpose In Life We should meditate on the proper response to sorrow, problems
In The Day Of Adversity Consider: That life is a gift from God That life is an opportunity That life is an influence - Phil. 2:15-16