Advisory Lesson Westport Middle School Tolerance Advisory Lesson Westport Middle School
Icebreaker: Grandma’s/Grandpa’s Footsteps The host or leader chooses one person to be Grandma/Grandpa and face a wall. The rest of the players start on the opposite side of the room and attempt to sneak up on Grandma/Grandpa and tap a shoulder. However, they cannot be caught doing so and Grandma/Grandpa may turn around at any time. If a person is caught moving and pointed out, they must return to the start. No one can move while being watched. If a player manages to tap Grandma’s/Grandpa’s shoulder, he or she takes their place facing the wall and the game starts over.
Learning Target and Agenda Learning Target: I can understand tolerance and learn ways to be more tolerant. Agenda: Discuss: What is tolerance? Why be more tolerant? Activity: Role-Play Character Dilemmas Article: Character in Action- Shagufta Bhatti: Teaching Tolerance Exit Slip: Tolerance Survey
What is tolerance? You’ve probably heard the word “tolerance” before, but do you really know what it means? Being tolerant means having sympathy for people who are different from you. You don’t necessarily have to agree with the differences, but you recognize their right to exist.
Types of Differences Examples: Race Background Gender Age Intelligence Physical capabilities
Why be more tolerant? The more tolerant you are, the more open you are to learning about other people.
Why be more tolerant? The more you learn about others, the less you fear.
Why be more tolerant? The less you fear, the more comfortable you are around all kinds of people.
Why be more tolerant? The more people you know and are comfortable with, the more interesting your life will be.
Activity: Role-Play Character Dilemmas Look at the Character Dilemma and plan how you will have the story end. Practice role-playing the situation. Perform for the class.
Article: Character in Action- Shagufta Bhatti: Teaching Tolerance With a partner, read the article and answer the questions.
Exit Ticket: Tolerance Survey Complete the Tolerance Survey on your own.