Mar 6 / 7 Act D 66 Connecting Circuits LEARNING TARGET: I can describe how energy is transferred through different circuits and how it is transformed through different devices. CH Q How is energy transferred and transformed in a electrical circuit? VOCAB: Circuit; parallel circuit; series circuit
complete path for electrons to follow Circuit parallel circuit series circuit complete path for electrons to follow where “appliances” have their own independent path to follow where “appliances” are one after another and depend on each other
DISCUSSION Wire Lightbulb + - Battery
PROCEDURE: Read on pg. D 76-79 and summarize PROCEDURE AND DATA MATERIALS: PROCEDURE: Read on pg. D 76-79 and summarize Note: Skipping Part A #4 DATA: WS 66.1 Connecting Circuits Phet Simulation
This is an example of a __________ circuit. series POST DISCUSISON This is an example of a __________ circuit. series 2. Describe all you can about how this circuit works. This circuit works because… … the path is complete going through each light in turn (in series) If one light went out then… ALL would go out (circuit broken)
POST DISCUSISON This is an example of a __________ circuit. parallel 2. Describe all you can about how this circuit works. This circuit works because… each light has its own independent path to use If one light went out then… the others would work (each has its own complete circuit to use)
each light is part of continuing the circuit (series) if one burns out (filament breaks) – circuit is broken
Explain why this is funny? What is the science pun behind it?
complete circuits, energy transfers and transforms more bulbs = less bright (series "shares") all lights full bright complete circuits, energy transfers and transforms one bulb out, all go out one bulb out, others lit describe series 1st, then parallel – finally common to both
ANALYSIS - Discuss and answer Q 2 & 3 on pg. D 79 ANS CH Q How is energy transferred and transformed in a electrical circuit? A: transferred through conductive wires and appliances transformed by wires into heat and by appliances in ways needed to do work (heat, light, sound, etc.) HOMEWORK Catch up on Journals – Complete Analysis Q’s