Year 3-self portraits COLOUR + SHAPE + PATTERN KEITH HARING,314 Year 3-self portraits COLOUR + SHAPE + PATTERN
Why are we studying this? This project will help us to understand - what “Shape” is - what “Pattern” is - the basic shape and size of our own bodies - how we can express ourselves in a portrait We will learn how to - draw around an object as a template - create maze-like patterns - paint in lines - use mixed media
What do you want to say? Things to remember… - create the background- use colours that reflect your mood. - cut out and stick on your black and white photograph - type, print and cut out your words - arrange the words first before you glue them down
How can we recognize HaRING’S work? Describe the shapes: The shapes are… Describe the colours: The colours are… Describe the patterns: The patterns are… Explain what you like: I like… because…
Draw around your body on colour paper Things to remember… - Work together as a team - Be patient and kind - Simplify your shapes like Haring’s
Create a page of patterns Things to remember… - Use black pen only. - Keep lines close together to fill the space.
Create a Haring inspired painting Things to remember… - Paint around your body with a thick brush - Paint attention lines sticking out from the body using a thick brush - Paint a box around the edge using a thick line - Paint your patterns to fill all of the empty spaces.
Evaluation CHAT… During this project I learned about… I learned how to… I enjoyed… I am proud of…