Parent Information Evening 2019 St Hurmizd Assyrian Primary School
Welcome to Kindergarten
Welcoming Prayer
Prayer for Collaboration We pray for positive relationships between parents, teachers and students. We pray that our teachers will have a supportive and encouraging group of parents to collaborate with. We pray that our children will make friends who make good choices and encourage them to be themselves. We pray that our children come to school and leave school happy. We pray that our children always do their best and learn to the best of their abilities. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Kindergarten Coordinator Mrs. Mary Khano K Blue Mrs. Nancy Kaikaty K Yellow Mrs. Diana William K White Miss Sabrina Vitale K Red Mrs. Ivana Jurcan Assyrian Teachers Mrs. Yvonne Ismail Mr. Ninos Babisha Mrs. Sally Jajo Mrs. Mirna Hirmiz Mrs. Mariyana Younan
Library lessons A Library Bag is required to borrow books KYellow 10:00am Monday KRed Wednesday KBlue Tuesday KWhite Friday Library lessons A Library Bag is required to borrow books
Sport Sports day = Monday (This MAY change each term). Students wear sports uniform. White sports shoes Term 1- Kindergarten have sport every Friday Term 2- Dance Term 3- Gymnastics Term 4- Swimming Days TBA
Crunch ‘n’ Sip Please ensure your child has a piece of fruit/vegetable and water for their daily crunch ‘n’ sip.
Birthdays No birthday cakes, cupcakes, or lolly bags are allowed due to allergies. Jelly buckets can be ordered from the office.
Allergies Please do not send your child to school with the following products: *Nuts *Peanut Butter *Sesame *Nutella * Eggs We have students with severe nut allergies.
SRC K-6 We have 2 class captains to represent each of the Kindy Classes per term. Students have other responsibilities such as: Demonstrating excellent behaviour Supporting their teachers and class members Leading selected class activities Assist special school events Mentor the incoming class captain
Grade Information Page Information regarding Kindergarten can be found on the school website.
Learning Support and enrichment Student requiring additional learning support are referred to the Learning Support Team Students may have additional learning needs and require extra remedial support or extension
ES1 Curriculum What your child will learn at school? Mandatory NSW Syllabi (developed and endorsed by NESA), across six key learning areas: English (10 hrs/week) Mathematics (5hrs/week) Science and Technology (1.5hrs/week taught 3 hrs/week in Term 2 & 3) Creative Arts (1.5hrs/week) Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) History (1.5hrs/week taught 3 hrs/week in term 1) & Geography (1.5hrs/week taught 3 hrs/week in term 4) Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) PDH (1hr/week) PE (1hr/week)
Our Approach to Teaching Literacy In line with the NSW English K-6 Syllabus, our approach to teaching literacy consists of a balance of synthetic phonics and immersion with quality literature from Australian and overseas authors. In kindergarten our 2 hour literacy sessions include: Synthetic phonics: sounds and letters (phonemes and graphemes). This supports the development of reading and spelling/writing. Phonological awareness Reading: modelled, shared, guided, independent Quality Literature: vocabulary, comprehension and writing Speaking and Listening is embedded within all literacy activities and across other Key Learning Areas Synthetic Phonics is the process of synthesising or blending the sounds of letters to make words; enabling a student to develop the ability to read
Early writing
NUMERACY Mathematics is taught everyday for one hour. Strands endorsed by NESA are: *Number and algebra *Measurement and geometry *Statistics and probability Help prepare your child for learning in Mathematics: Counting forwards and backwards (0-30) Counting collections of objects such as toys Recognising numbers up to 30 Recognising money such as cents and dollars Naming days of the week, seasons, months of the year Telling the time on the hour using a regular clock frame Comparing amounts e.g. less, more, about the same Identifying simple 2D shapes and 3D objects
Other Key Learning AREAS Science and Technology: Working Scientifically, Living Things, Material World, Physical World, Digital Technologies HSIE: Geography (People Live in Places, Using geographical tools) & History (Personal and family histories, Using historical inquiry) PDHPE: Identity, growth and change, Safety and Resilience, Communication and Respect, Movement, Health, safety and well-being, Physical activity, Creative Arts: Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Dance Assyrian 2 hours per week Christian Studies 2 hours per week
BEST START and LNAP Our school is part of the Literacy Numeracy Action Plan (2017-2020) Each child is tested at the start of kindergarten and tracked for literacy and numeracy development using the English and Mathematics syllabi as well as relevant supporting learning progressions Best Start (beginning of kindergarten) Middle Year Tracking End Year Tracking Progressive Testing carried out at least twice a term in order to update Individual Learning Goals
Assessment Formal or informal Ongoing (not just at the end of the term) Used to check student’s acquisition or mastery of concepts taught If a student has not ‘mastered’ a concept - additional support is given Individual learning goals assigned for homework
SMART Learning Goals Smart Learning Goals are based on individual student progress Learning goals for reading, writing and mathematics Examples: Reading: recognising phonemes, blending CVC words, reading high frequency words Writing: own name, writing letters using correct formation, sounding out to write simple sentences, using sentence hands Numeracy: counting forwards and backwards from any starting point within the range 0-30, writing numbers using correct formation
Homework Once students are well settled into school routines homework will begin- Week 5 The amount of homework will gradually increase over the year as students develop skills in reading and writing Term 1: Individual Learning Goals eg, writing name, letter formation, reading CVC words as letter sounds are learnt, reading high frequency words Term 2-4: Individual Learning Goals eg, counting skills, Home Reading, Mathletics Given out on Mondays and collected Fridays
Please ensure all books are contacted and returned as soon as possible Covering Books Please ensure all books are contacted and returned as soon as possible
Excursions Excursions are planned according to topics covered in the curriculum. Excursion notes will be uploaded to the website/Skool Bag. Planned excursion for this year is to Calmsley Hill Farm which is linked to the Science curriculum.
Meetings with Teachers If you have concerns about your child’s learning, please contact the class teacher to book in an appointment before school or after 3:30pm . Dismissal time (3:10-3:30) is not the time for teachers to discuss your child’s progress. If your child’s teacher has concerns about your child, you will be contacted. Parent-teacher meetings will be held at the end of Term 2. Reports are issued through email in June and December. Ensure your email address is given to the office. Meetings with Teachers
Class Dojo Please download the Class Dojo app if you haven’t already as all class communication will be delivered through Class Dojo. You can contact teachers through the Class Dojo app or by making an appointment with the office.
Skoolbag app Information regarding Kindergarten can be found on the school website and Skool Bag app. Please download the app. Please check the app regularly for notices and filling out permission slips for excursions.
Screen Time Screen time refers to the amount of time spent watching TV, DVD’s, playing computer games, using tablets & iPads and using computers for other purposes. Australian Guidelines for screen time: Children 2-5 years - less than 1 hour per day. Children over 5 years – no more than 2 hours per day. Excessive screen time has been linked to: Speech delays Poor cognitive performance Antisocial behaviour Attention deficit disorders Obesity Reduced sleep time
Healthy Eating at School Recess: Fruit, vegetables, cheese, yoghurt, crackers, etc Lunch: sandwich, pasta, rice and chicken, salad, etc Water Pack food that is easy to open, easy to eat and not messy Term 1 – no canteen purchases (other than lunch orders) ALLERGIES Please do not send your child to school with: Nuts Peanut Butter Sesame Nutella Eggs
Labelling all belongings Please label ALL of your child’s belongings. Lunch box Drink bottle Hat Jackets All clothing items Labelling all belongings
ALL ITEMS TO BE LABELLED WITH CHILD’S NAME What to pack each day A spare pair of underwear and socks School hat Raincoat Healthy recess/lunch/sip and crunch (fruit/veg snack) Water bottle ALL ITEMS TO BE LABELLED WITH CHILD’S NAME