Dual Enrollment Click anywhere to begin What is it anyway? What should I know about it? Watch 5 slides for 5 minutes to find out!
Dual Enrollment Dual enrollment is taking courses in two places during the same semester: high school and college.
What are the key things to know about Dual Enrollment: Courses must be preapproved by PCH to enroll. For dual-credit, see which courses qualify. Fulfill requirements GPA, Counselor Note Application Meet deadlines, may need placement test Begins a college transcript – be ready! State of Michigan pays some, student/family responsible for the rest
What needs to happen to dual enroll? Student Responsibility Complete paperwork on time Search for course and college that works with PCS time schedule. Choose course that counts (not PCH core, applies to intended major) Attend class, complete course requirements If decide to drop class – complete proper procedure or the course grade will be an E on the college transcript indefinitely. PCH Responsibility Complete counselor recommendation if student qualifies. Respond to student questions, help find electronic location of answers. Enter passing credits on the student’s high school transcript (credit if requested for non-core courses.)
Other Resources Sample applications Sample counselor letter PCH Dual Enrollment information page State of MI website: https://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-81351_40085---,00.html PCH Counselor: sbazen@plymouthchristian.us
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