The North Bay Regional Health Centre “With Pride We Care”
North Bay Regional Health Centre (looking south towards city of North Bay and Lake Nipissing)
North Bay Regional Health Centre 3 Main Roles: Serving North Bay and surrounding communities: Large acute care hospital District referral centre with Specialists’ services for smaller communities in the area Serving All of northeast Ontario 3. Tertiary, specialized mental health care provider to northeast Ontario: inpatient services in North Bay and Sudbury, outpatient and outreach services across the region—north from Hudson Bay south to Muskoka, west from Great Lakes east to Quebec border.
Quick Facts: 401 beds: 217 acute; 184 tertiary, specialized mental health Emergency Department: 58,200 patient visits annually Ambulatory Care Services: 48,000 patient visits annually 2300 Employees 200 physicians 400 volunteers Affiliated with the Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) and other allied health education institutions
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