Thomas Alva Edison an American inventor and businessman Thomas Alva Edison an American inventor and businessman. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life around the world, including DC ELECTRIC POWER Nikola Tesla a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern AC alternating current electricity supply system
Edison DC and Tesla AC Combined !!!
Simple Power Savings Control Frequency & Volts
Motor Life Time Cost Example The purchase price of a motor represents only a tiny fraction of the life time costs of the motor. e.g. 15 HP 4 Pole Standard Motor, typical price approx. $ 450 Assuming Typical Industrial Electrical Cost of 0.11$ / kWh Motor operates 12 Hours Per Day 6 Days Per Week 48 Weeks Per Year Motor Efficiency 92% Over a 10 Year operating period, the electricity used will be :- (11kW x 12 Hours x 6 Days x 48 Weeks x 10 Years) / 92% Efficiency = 413217.4 kWh! ... At a cost of $45,454.00! The purchase price represents less than 1% of this cost! Briefly cover the main high-level points of what a VFD is for those only marginally familiar Give enough information to get the uninformed and the marginally informed up to speed Keep it brief enough to keep from losing the interest of those who are knowledgeable
Industrial Use Of Electricity Global Energy Industrial Use Of Electricity Data Courtesy of New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Shipment and Installation