English 11 – Friday, November 4 HW for today (put in box): Task #2: Annotate speech for rhetorical appeals (at least 2) and devices (minimum 10 ex’s, 5 different devices) Warm Up: Video Journal Entry response – 10 minutes
English 11 - Friday, November 4 Rhetorical Appeals/Devices Speech Analysis: Task #3 –outline of your essay (see instructions and template) Discuss purpose (thesis) of essay Use instructions, outline, and “Integrating Quotations” notes Discuss template for in-text/Works Cited citation Homework: Completed outline of essay due Thursday, 11/10!
Works Cited Citation of Speech Template: Last, First M. “Website Article.” Website. Publisher, Day Month Year. Web. Day Month Year. Example: Clinton, Hillary R. “Speech on the Human Rights Agenda for the 21st Century.” American Rhetoric. American Rhetoric. 14 Dec. 2009. Web. 20 Oct. 2016. .
The Great Debaters (45 minutes at end of class): Continue film Work on response guide