Qin Shihuangdi (First Emperor of Qin) died 210 BCE Tumulus Burial Mound
fengshui = geomancy
Excavation of Pit #1
Tomb of First Emperor of Qin (died 210 BCE), plan of Pit #1 dimensions 210 x 65 yards Elevation 14’ 7” deep
Charioteer, h. 6’ 2” h. 6’ 3” Infantryman, h. 6’ Standing Bowman, h. 5’ 10”
h. 6’ 3”
Charioteer, h. 6’ 2” h. 6’ 3” White jade carving Late Shang (Anyang phase) ca. 1200 BCE h. 5”
Tomb of First Emperor of Qin Plan of Pit #2
Archers from Pit #2 h. ca. 3’ 11”
Cavalryman and Horse, from Pit #2 h. of cavalryman 5’ 10 ½”
Tomb of the First Emperor of Qin (died 210 BCE), chariot horse from Pit #2. Terra cotta, h. 5’ 7”
Bronze chariot and horses, found near Qin Shihuangdi’s tumulus
Han Dynasty 206 BCE – 220 CE Western Han 2nd-1st centuries BCE Eastern Han 1st-2nd centuries CE
Tombs of Prince Liu Sheng (died 113 BCE) and Princess Dou Wan Western Han Dynasty, 2nd century BCE
Bronze wine jar with gold decoration Tomb of Liu Sheng h. 23 ¼”
Bronze wine jar with gold and silver inlay in “bird script” Tomb of Liu Sheng h. 17 3/8”
Incense burner in shape of Islands of the Immortals, from tomb of Liu Sheng Bronze inlaid with gold, h. 10 ¼”
Jade disc from tomb of Liu Sheng
Gilt bronze lamp from tomb of Dou Wan, late 2nd century BCE H. 19”, weight 34 lb 14 oz
Pair of leopards, from tomb of Dou Wan Gilt bronze inlaid with silver and garnets h. 1 1/3”
Jade Burial Suits of Liu Sheng (top) and Dou Wan
Dou Wan’s jade burial suit Drawing of Liu Sheng’s jade burial suit