* Questionable if formula should override analytical value. Aggregation Calculation Order Component values Contributing (Source) Values add 1 Borrowed Values do not override 2 Absolute Values override 3 Required (Mandatory) Components do not override 4 Question C Method Indicators (Formulas) override except absolute values* 5 Can override contributing values? Question A Can override borrowed values? Question B do not override absolute values override required components Can override method indicators? Question D Component Patterns 6 * Questionable if formula should override analytical value. Maybe configurable would be an option.
Aggregation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Calculation Order Component values add Contributing (Source) Values add 1 Borrowed Values do not override 2 Absolute Values override 3 Required (Mandatory) Components do not override 4 Can override contributing values? Question A Can override borrowed values? Question B do not override absolute values override required components Question C Component Patterns 5 override except absolute values Can override component patterns? Question E Method Indicators (Formulas) 6
1 2 3 4 Calculation Order Component values add override Values from ingredients add 1 Absolute Values override 2 override values from ingredients do not override absolute values Question B Method Indicators (Formulas) 3 Can override values from ingredients? Question A do not override absolute values Can override method indicators? Question C Component Patterns 4
1 2 3 4 Calculation Order Component values add override Values from ingredients add 1 Absolute Values override 2 Can override values from ingredients? Question A do not override absolute values Question B Component Patterns 3 override values from ingredients do not override absolute values Can override component patterns? Question D Method Indicators (Formulas) 4
Value overriding policy: Calculation Order 4. Required (Mandatory) Components Absolute Values Contributing (Source) Values Borrowed Values Component Patterns Method Indicators (Formulas) Value Overriding Policy 1. 2. 3. Used symbols: value cannot be overriden value overriding configurable value will be overriden user settings number (list above) next calculation step order of calculation steps can be swapped Value overriding policy: By default once component value is calculated, it can NOT be overriden. Except the following cases: Required components initialized with empty values at the beginning of calculation procedure will be always overriden if they are calculated later by any other method Method indicators once used override any value except those calculated using absolute values Overriding of cases marked with yellow arrow are configurable in the user settings (list above) #.
4. 1. 2. 3. Used symbols: #. Calculation Order Value Overriding Policy Required (Mandatory) Components Absolute Values Contributing (Source) Values Borrowed Values Component Patterns Method Indicators (Formulas) Value Overriding Policy 1. 2. 3. By default once component value is calculated, it can NOT be overriden. Except the following cases: Required components initialized with empty values at the beginning of calculation procedure will be always overriden if they are calculated later by any other method Method indicators once used override any value except those calculated using absolute values Overriding of cases marked with yellow arrow ( ) are configurable in the user settings (list above) Used symbols: user settings number (list above) next calculation step order of calculation steps can be swapped #.
Value overriding policy: Calculation Order 3. Values from ingredients Absolute Values Component Patterns Method Indicators (Formulas) Value Overriding Policy 1. 2. Used symbols: value cannot be overriden value overriding configurable value will be overriden user settings number (list above) next calculation step order of calculation steps can be swapped Value overriding policy: By default once component value is calculated, it can NOT be overriden. Except the following cases: Absolute value once used can override any value Method indicators once used override any value except those calculated using absolute values Overriding of cases marked with yellow arrow are configurable in the user settings (list above) #.
3. 1. 2. Used symbols: #. Calculation Order Value Overriding Policy Values from ingredients Absolute Values Component Patterns Method Indicators (Formulas) Value Overriding Policy 1. 2. By default once component value is calculated, it can NOT be overriden. Except the following cases: Absolute value once used can override any value Method indicators once used override any value except those calculated using absolute values Overriding of cases marked with yellow arrow are configurable in the user settings (list above) Used symbols: user settings number (list above) next calculation step order of calculation steps can be swapped #.