Dynamics 365 – Business edition and the Cloud Solution Provider Program Jeff Edwards – Director, WW Dynamics SMB Partner Strategy & Programs December 13, 2016
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 4/30/2019 12:01 PM Dynamics 365 Accelerates and supports the partner evolution Microsoft AppSource Azure IoT Suite Power BI Cortana Intelligence Suite Microsoft Dynamics 365, Business edition Sales Marketing Financials Customer Service These applications work seamlessly together to manage specific business processes across, Sales, Customer Service, Field Service, Operations, Project Service Automation and Marketing. Specifically on the marketing front, we want to note out our recent announcement with Adobe, that we are partnering with them to make Adobe Marketing Cloud our preferred marketing service for Dynamics 365 for the Enterprise Edition. This is exciting as we help businesses deliver compelling and personalized experiences through every phase of their customer relationships. Now what makes Dynamics 365 unique is that it harnesses the power of One Microsoft. Data has become the new currency, and organizations create and have access to more of it, and faster than ever before. The challenge is how to transform it into intelligence that generates action and drive outcomes. Dynamics 365 will allow organizations to adopt individual business apps such as Marketing, Sales, Service and Operations, but as organizations adopt more of the apps, synergies will be unleashed in the form ‘Intelligent Business Processes’. This will help proactively guide employees & customers to generate optimal outcomes. Take Project Service Automation as an example. Project teams can use it as standalone app in close alignment with Office 365, but when combined with Operations, the time and expense reports that project members submit, will automatically go to accounting, HR and Payroll systems, and Project Accounts will be automatically updated for Finance in the Operations App. It sounds basic… but the fact is that the classic delineation between CRM and ERP has created a separation in data and processes. Dynamics 365 breaks down this separation, and our business platform strategy together with CIT and IOT is centered on enabling this to new levels. PowerApps, Flow, Common Data Model © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.
Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2016 4/30/2019 12:01 PM SMB release roadmap 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 “Project Madeira” Ongoing Public Preview Development Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Business edition Microsoft Dynamics GP GP 2013 GP 2013 R2 GP 2015 R2 GP 2016 GP2016 R2 GP 2015 Ongoing Development Microsoft Dynamics SL SL 2011 SP2 SL 2015 SL 2015 CU1 SL 2015 CU2 Ongoing Development Microsoft Dynamics NAV NAV 2015 NAV 2016 NAV 2017 NAV 2013 R2 Ongoing Development © 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.