Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways 어청일1 김관우 2 이종진 3 김민지 4 1 200614184, 2 200914506, 3 200914537, 4 201114505 Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways Terminology A O (Arctic Oscilliation) SLP (Sea Level Pressure) DOT (Deviation Of The Sea Surface From The Geoid) SPA (Steric Pressure Anomaly) OBP (Ocean Bottom Pressure) = > SPA + DOT
Beaufort High ↓ 2005 ~ 2008 Canada basin Beaufort High ↑ Canada basin
H ? Beaufort High AO < Beaufort High AO
Characterized by High AO Index In Arctic Ocean
1. Characterized by High AO Index In Arctic Ocean SPA ↓ Figure 2. b Rates of change between 2005 and 2008 of DOT, SPA and freshwater content. Figure 1 2008 Arctic Ocean salinity anomaly and geostrophic velocity at 50–60m depth. Canada basin Makarov basin Eurasian basin Chukchi borderland
DOT ↑ 2005 ~ 2008 Canada basin Canada basin Russian shelf break 2. Characterized by High AO Index In Arctic Ocean SLP → DOT ↓ Convergence Divergence Secondary Flow to upper halocline Figure 4. b Schematic views of the idealized Arctic Ocean circulation patterns under low and high AO anomalies. 2. Characterized by High AO Index In Arctic Ocean DOT ↑ Russian shelf break 2. Characterized by High AO Index In Arctic Ocean Beaufort High ↓ 2005 ~ 2008 Canada basin Beaufort High ↑ Canada basin
Tendency of each AO pattern Conclusion Figure S13. e,f February-March ICESat DOT and resulting upper-ocean geostrophic velocities for (e) 2004 - 2005 and (f) 2007-2009. Figure S2. a,b Mean and first EOF (the Arctic Oscillation) patterns of sea level pressure in 667 the Arctic.
Fresh water Pathway, Trans-Polar Drift High AO ↓ Increase Conclusion Fresh water Pathway, Trans-Polar Drift High AO ↓ Increase warm & salty N.Atlantic water (Increase Outflow in Labrador Sea) ↓ ↘ Deep thermohaline convection↑ Weakening the cold halocline layer Sea Ice Melt ↑
Themohaline Circulation Discussion All of Arctic Sea Ice melt ↓ Maybe Themohaline convection is off N.Atlantic water Cannot move north Themohaline Circulation Switch Turn On / Off Controled by AO Index Income More warm & salty N.Atlantic water ↓ Make More Deep thermohaline convection↑ Positive Feedback Warm Phase Cold Phase Regime Shift Boiler is out of order