Welcome to R. B. Hayes High School Scheduling & Curriculum Night
WELCOME Class of 2017
Principal Mr. Brad Faust
Assistant Principals Mr. Jeff Jones Mr. Aaron R. Cook
Athletic Director Mr. Clint Fetty Athletic Secretary Mrs. Connie Thomas 833-1021
Counselors Mr. Matthew Brown (A-D)* Mrs. Jennifer Pollard (E-L)* *Class of 2017
Counselors Miss Jessica Darcy (M-Q)* Ms. Leigh Stewart (R-Z)* *Class of 2017
Our Vision The Delaware City Schools will promote a culture of excellence that engages and empowers students and staff to embrace the challenges of our global society. We will build on our traditions, respect our diversity and partner for a strong community.
Your Student’s EXPLORE Results Misty Swanger, Director of Enrichment Your Student’s Scores What do they mean? How do they relate to the ACT? How do colleges use ACT scores? What can I do to help now and during the next four years?
A Day at Hayes 8 Class Periods + 1 lunch Lunch periods: 4, 6, 8, 10 School Hours are: 7:30 – 2:40 Your schedule might look something like this: Period 1 7:30-8:15 Period 2 8:20-9:05 Period 3 9:10-9:55 Period 4 - Lunch 10:00-10:30 Period 5/6 10:35-11:20 Period 7/8 11:25-12:10 Period 9/10 12:15-1:00 Period 11 1:05-1:50 Period 12 1:55-2:40 Period 1 7:30-8:15 Period 2 8:20-9:05 Period 3 9:10-9:55 Period 4/5 10:00-10:45 Period 6/7 10:50-11:35 Period 8/9 11:40-12:25 Period 10 -Lunch 12:30-1:00 Period 11 1:05-1:50 Period 12 1:55-2:40 OR
Graduation Core Requirements English 4 credits Social Studies 3 credits Math 4 credits – Must complete Alg 2 Science 3 credits Health ½ credit Physical Educ. ½ credit (Two – ¼ credits or waivers) Fine Arts 1 credit Electives 5 credits or 5.5 credits if PE waivers used An elective is any credit over and above those named above. 21 Total
Diploma with Honors (Honors level courses are not required to qualify) In addition to the required graduation requirements, the following must be met: English – 4 credits Math – 4 credits (Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, & 1 college prep course) *Science – 4 credits (Chemistry & Physics 1) *Social Studies – 4 credits (World Studies, US Studies, Govt./Econ, & 1 elective) *Foreign Language – 3 or 4 credits (3 of the same or 2 of two different) Fine Arts – 1 credit (Art or music) *3.5 unweighted GPA through all 4 years *Score of 27 on ACT or 1210 on SAT *Only one of these categories may be dropped. 21 Total
GPA Ranking Course grades are based on + / - scale 98-100% 4.0 A 93-97% A- 90-92% 3.7 B+ 88-89% 3.3 B 83-87% 3.0 B- 80-82% 2.7 C+ 78-79% 2.3 C 73-77% 2.0 C- 70-72% 1.7 D+ 68-69% 1.3 D 63-67% 1.0 D- 60-62% .7 F 0-59% Course grades are based on + / - scale Athletic eligibility: 1.50 For Upcoming Freshmen Cumulative GPA is based on every grade earned starting in 9th grade!
Physical Education Waiver Two COMPLETED Seasons of: OHSAA Sponsored Sport Or Two COMPLETED Years of: Marching Band or ROTC You may NOT combine one PE course and one waiver. Sports may be combined or years skipped. Waivers will be automatically added to transcripts.
Study Hall Students may choose to take a traditional Study Hall or a Tutoring Lab. Tutoring Labs will be available in Math, English, Science, or Foreign Language. There is no credit value awarded to a Study Hall or Tutoring Lab.
Course Selection Sheet Subject Semester 1 Term 1 & 2 Semester 2 Term 3 & 4 English English 9 (1) Social Studies World Studies (1) Science Physical Sci Math Geometry (1) Elective Health (.5) PE (.25) Concert Choir Spanish 1 (1) Intro to Art (.5) Study Hall
Scheduling Online
Scheduling Online
Scheduling Online
Graduation Progress
Drop Policy Students will now only be able to drop courses ONE time during their high school career without penalty after the first two weeks of the start of a course. A “W” indicating Withdrawal from the course will be entered on the transcript. This does not affect the GPA. All courses dropped after this option is used, will result in an F for the final grade. This will be entered on the transcript and will affect the GPA.
Dates to Remember All course selections and applications are due February 22nd! Students will NOT be added to courses requiring applications without a completed application being submitted. Any requests to change course selections must be submitted to your school counselor by June 10th. NO REQUESTS WILL BE HONORED AFTER THIS DATE! Students may only make ONE request to change their schedule. (Multiple changes can be made in this one request.) Students will only be able to change course requests to the alternate courses that are originally submitted to the counselor.
Hybrid Courses Hybrid courses are taught partly online and partly in the classroom. Students may not be required to report to the course daily but will have coursework to complete on their own on that day. Hybrid Courses will be offered for 9th graders in: Health Fitness/PE
CREDIT FLEX INCLUDES Testing Out of a Course (Fee Required) Independent Study (Fee Required) Dual Enrollment (Fee Required) On-line courses During the Summer (Fee Required) During the school day After school (Fee Required) Check the Hayes website for updated applications, fees, and deadlines. .
Freshmen Preview Night May 28, 2013 6:30 PM (For Parents and Students) Travel your schedule Meet your teachers Sign up for clubs and sports Get ready to be a Hayes Pacer!
Fall Orientation Tuesday, August 13, 2013 Freshmen will attend from 7:30-11:30 Transportation and breakfast snack is provided Receive an updated copy of your schedule See all of your classes Walk through your schedule Only Freshmen will attend this day
COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT! Website Access COMMUNICATION IS IMPORTANT! www.dcs.k12.oh.us/hayeshs Information Grades Newsletters Upcoming events Join our Listserv Make appointments
Thank you for coming! GO PACERS!