Slide #1 Essential Question: How can we help people understand the meaning of acceptance? Read and think about the artist statement. What does the artist mean by "Because people want to control what they disagree with"? Pull out the red arrow for the artist statement. Discuss: Is it okay to disagree? How can you still disagree but practice acceptance?
Artist Statement: The internet is a black hole Artist Statement: The internet is a black hole. You can either get sucked in or dive in willingly. Social media is no exception. I see how people act and treat each other online. I created this piece to show that we can either build each other up or tear each other down. Slide #2 Essential Question: Does technology promote acceptance? How can you use technology to promote kindness? Discuss the images & quote with students. How are they related? Watch the kindness videos in order and discuss. Click on the lesson icon for suggested lessons on Kindness in MS with IPhone app.
Artist Statement: We live in a world of diversity and we interact with diverse groups of people in our daily lives. Our streets, subways, malls, and parks are rich with diversity. In this new age of social media, we not only interact in person with people across all cultures, races, and religions, but we also communicate with diverse groups beyond our borders. Technology can connect us with the whole world, but it can also isolate us from the people nearest us." Slide #3 Essential Question: How can technology bring us together? How can it isolate each of us? Discuss the images & quote with students. How are they related? Pull out the red arrow for the artist statement. RIGHT Click on the icon for the "Cell Phone Etiquette" lesson plan. It focuses on where and when cell phone conversations and texting should take place. Click on the earth icon for a TEDx Talk "How social media makes us unsocial. Discuss the video with students and then relate to the artwork.
Artist Statement: “Ripples” depicts the "monster" earth receiving a flower from a small child, who represents innocence and hope for the future. The title, “Ripples,” refers to how one small act of kindness can change the world—one small ripple at time. Slide #4 Essential Questions: What is the kind of school atmosphere is best for students? Discuss the images & quote with students. How are they related? Pull out the black arrow for the artist statement. Lesson 1- Art Analysis Have students focus on the different colors in the art. Why do the think the artist picked these colors. Students can complete this worksheet to analyze the artwork. Lesson 2- Painting Template: Have students make their own artwork expressing kindness. Click on the lesson icon (Teaching Tolerance) to find the lesson "Speaking Kindness in Democratic Classrooms".
Slide #5 Essential Questions: What does it mean to be an immigrant? What does it mean to be American? Relate art and quote to student's answers. Click on the lesson icon to have students take the immigration quiz to dispel and myths about immigration. Students can use the last page of the quiz to interview family members, friends, etc who have immigrated. Click on the lesson icon (Teaching Tolerance) to find the lesson "Recognizing the Undocumented". Can students make out the image in reflection? (I can't)
Artist Statement: There is more to a person than their stereotype Artist Statement: There is more to a person than their stereotype. Just get to know them! Slide #6 Essential Question: Why is empathy so important to a society? What does kindness have to do with empathy? Define the word EMPATHY. Discuss the image & artist statement with students. Click on the lesson icon for a lesson on "Developing Empathy" to help students discover how to be more empathetic. WONDER- Book and Movie are both a wonderful way to teach kindness. Click on the lesson icon for ideas and worksheets.
Artist Statement: This work shows how people react differently to situations and to the world. One person is trying to destroy the flower; the other trying to nourish it. Every day, we have a choice to recognize and nurture the beauty of nature or to ignore or destroy it. I’d like this piece to inspire people to think more about our beautiful earth, which can still be saved. Slide #7 Essential Question: How will history remember you? Discuss the image & artist statement with students. Which item in the artwork would you want to be and why? Pull out arrow to watch clip called "How will History remember you?" Click on lesson icons for newspaper templates- Students can create a newspaper expressing ideas on how history will remember them. Encourage students to think about what clubs, organizations, etc that they have belonged to and are planning to belong to in the future.