Contextual world knowledge – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate greater fluency with world knowledge by drawing on an increasing breadth and depth of content and contexts ? Geographical understanding – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate that they can make greater sense of the world, organising and connecting, more complex information, about people, places, processes and environments ? Competence in geographical enquiry and skills – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate increasing range and accuracy of investigative skills, with advancing ability to select and apply these with increasing independence? Contextual world knowledge – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate greater fluency with world knowledge by drawing on an increasing breadth and depth of content and contexts ? Geographical understanding – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate that they can make greater sense of the world, organising and connecting, more complex information, about people, places, processes and environments ? Contextual world knowledge – how do you plan for opportunities for pupils to demonstrate greater fluency with world knowledge by drawing on an increasing breadth and depth of content and contexts ? Geographical understanding – how do you plan for opportunities for pupils to demonstrate that they can make greater sense of the world, organising and connecting, more complex information, about people, places, processes and environments ? Competence in geographical enquiry and skills – how do you plan for opportunities for pupils to demonstrate increasing range and accuracy of investigative skills, with advancing ability to select and apply these with increasing independence to geographical enquiry ? Competence in geographical enquiry and skills – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate increasing range and accuracy of investigative skills, with advancing ability to select and apply these with increasing independence? Contextual world knowledge – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate greater fluency with world knowledge by drawing on an increasing breadth and depth of content and contexts ? Geographical understanding – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate that they can make greater sense of the world, organising and connecting, more complex information, about people, places, processes and environments ? Competence in geographical enquiry and skills – how do you plan for opportunities for students to demonstrate increasing range and accuracy of investigative skills, with advancing ability to select and apply these with increasing independence to geographical enquiry ?