Energy on the Go Group 18 Armando Gomes (87930) Francisco Silva (69581) José Cordeiro (78614) Miguel Soeiro (90978)
Target Audience The main target for this study are active people who practice sports on a semi-regular basis, or more frequently. The main goal for this study is to understand if the mentioned people are interested in ways to reuse the energy spent during their activity. The following questions were answered by 185 people.
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
EDP- Energy on the Go
Conclusions Identified potential user segments: A high percentage of the inquired users, of both genders and different age groups, practice sport regularly. Of those users, if provided the option, there’s a clear preference to chose a gymnasium that would be auto-sufficient energetically.
Conclusions Identified potential user segments: There’s a possible market opportunity, since a substantial amount of the inquired potential users don’t use the existing fitness trackers, but do use mobile power sources (e.g. powerbanks).