Evaluating Innovation On-going and Planned Activities Marielle Riché Evaluation Network Meeting Brussels, April 14th 2011
Evaluating innovation activities: methods and practices Study on state of the art of methods used to evaluate the most commonly ERDF co-funded innovation activities (December 2011) Survey of all Managing Authorities + evaluation officers: to be launched end of April, followed by 30 phone interviews (May) 15 case studies of interesting evaluations (June-August) and a Guidance document (November) Participatory study: thanks for your active contribution ! 2
Innovation Evaluation Network Network of Managing Authorities, on voluntary basis Discuss methods, exchange practices and experiences Last meeting October 2010 : 8 Member States (10 MA), LT, IT, BE, CZ, SI, SE, PL, FI New meeting organised on 14 October from 10 am to 4 pm in Brussels: 5 presentations of evaluation works – results, ToR (PL, FL, SL, BE, LT) New participants wishing to share their evaluation work or questions on methods are welcome to participate: Contact Marielle.riche@ec.europa.eu before 30 May 3