“The Son Of Man” Christina Scott.


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Presentation transcript:

“The Son Of Man” Christina Scott

History The Son of Man was painted by Rene Magritte, a surrealist artist, in 1964. Magritte is well-known for his thought-provoking and odd works of art. This particular art work began as a self portrait. The artwork is oil on canvas.

What do you see in this painting?

The apple is obviously the focal point of the artwork The apple is obviously the focal point of the artwork. The man's shoulders are slightly drooped, he's wearing a stereotypical modern-day suit and tie. His face is hidden by the apple, so his identity is unknown. The background is dull and dreary; a cloudy sky over what seems to be a foggy ocean.

What is the purpose of the artwork?

The purpose of this artwork is symbolize the opportunities that man has been faced with. The face of the man is hidden so that it is easier for the viewer to relate to the portrait and/or represent mankind as a whole.

What emotion or message does this image convey?

The man represents modern-day mankind The man represents modern-day mankind. On a religious level, The apple can represent The Garden of Eden, our “paradise.” We have regressed from “The Son of Man” to today's mankind; simply existing meaninglessly in a dull and dreary environment. The apple is a constant reminder of what we once had.

Who is the audience?

The audience would be our society today The audience would be our society today. With all the “sin” in the world today, we can all be reminded of the beginning, when were first created.

What part of this Artwork is symbolic? What does it symbolize?

The apple represents missed opportunities and unaccepted gifts The apple represents missed opportunities and unaccepted gifts. The suit and tie represent modern day man. The background represents the kind of world we live in today; gray, dull, and cold. The posture of the man also symbolizes his feelings. His shoulders are slightly dropped, his hands at his sides. He is merely existing in this world with a constant reminder of what we once had.

Do you get a different message when the artwork is black and white?

Altering the color of the painting does change it's meaning Altering the color of the painting does change it's meaning. The apple isn't as strong of a focal point, and the other symbolical images aren't as strong.

What is the Ethical Appeal?

Ethos The artwork attempts to make the audience reconsider missed opportunities.

What is the Logical Appeal?

The viewer of this portrait should see an example of mankind's blindness to obvious gifts and blessings that make our existence unique.

What is the emotional appeal?

Pathos This artwork inspires the viewer to be more introspective and observant of opportunities that may exist.

Works Cited “The Son of Man (Magritte).” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. “Rene Magritte.” Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. “Rene Magritte.” FamousPainter.com. Web. 2 Nov. 2011. “The Meaning of 'Son of Man.'” Journal Of Biblical Literature. Web. 2 Nov. 2011.