Character The following literary terms will help us discuss and understand characters, their motivations, and why they become what they become.
Characters Protagonist Antagonist “bad guy” but usually is “The main character” The person in the “person vs. ______” of the central conflict Not always a “ good guy” but usually is Antagonist Opposes the protagonist in the central conflict Not always a “bad guy” but usually is
Character Major Characters Minor Characters Major Characters Appears throughout the novel Is involved in the work’s central/main conflict Minor Characters Enter the novel for a specific reason May be in conflict with a major character to reveal/show something about the major character May exist in “the shadow” of a major character
Character Static Character Dynamic character Does not change much in the course of the story Examples: Cinderella’s Stepmother Billy Weaver Changes as a result of a story’s events Examples: Cinderella Roger (Thank You Ma’am)
Characterization Direct Indirect When the author or narrator directly states the traits of a character. “He was tall, skinny, and full of spit and vinegar.” “Her weak smile betrayed the suspicion and mistrust she felt for the newcomers.” Indirect When the author reveals character traits through the words, thoughts, actions of that character and/or other characters. “The girls chuckled as the new student arrived in class. Quietly, one could be heard saying, “H-he-hel- hello, M-m-ms. Waters.”
Character Motivation Any force (reason) that drives the character to behave in a certain way Example: love, fear, jealousy, commands, experiences, etc. Think-Pair-Share: Think of your favorite movie or book character. What is that character motivated by?
Moral Dilemma Character is faced with a difficult decision/situation that tests his/her integrity and ability to “do the right thing” **Revealed by characters’ motivations and conflicts **The RED BUTTON** example
Moral Dilemma Example 2:
Character Behavior A character’s personal choices, treatment of others, and actions. Reveals personality, motivation, and morals