UCSD Building Automation and energy saving measures Rich Cota , Assistant Director Charles Bryant, BAS Supt.
LEED-Certified Projects As of September 2017, UC San Diego has completed 32 LEED-certified buildings and renovations on campus – 3 Platinum, 17 Gold, 6 Silver and 6 certified. In addition, three projects are pending certification.
Biomedical research Facility 2 (BRF2) BRF2 Radiant Floor BRF2 Office Spaces BRF2 Recovered Water
ATCRI Chilled Beams The primary advantage of the chilled beam system is its lower operating cost. For example, because the temperature of cooled water is higher than the temperature of cooled air, but it delivers the same cooling ability, the costs of the cooled water system are lower
ACTRI Anemometer At ACTRI, instead of maintaining 3000 FPM at the stack of exhaust fans, we adjust the air flow based upon the direction of the wind and the speed.
Heat Recovery Process Chiller The Heat Recovery Chiller utilizes heat rejection from the production of Heating Hot Water to supplement the Processed Chilled Water Loop and Heating Hot Water loop.
Metasys &Phoenix Controls
Metastats, PHX stats
Metasys devices
MTW Reset Based upon outside air temperature (OAT) we adjust our setpoint from 140 to 180 degrees.
AHU Discharge Air Reset Based upon zone cooling demand, we reset the AHU DAT using a trim and respond algorithm Baa
MTW or HHW DP reset Based upon the outside air temp, we reset the DAT
SME (Structural and Materials Engineering building
SME Irrigation
Transfer Fan cooling Return air from AHU-3 is sent thru to a transfer fan which feeds Electrical rooms and Mechanical rooms
RADIANT HEATING AND COOLING Advantages of Radiant Heating Systems 1.Potential for Lower Utility Bills 2.No Ductwork 3. More Floor Space/No Registers or Vents 4. Better Indoor Air Quality 5. Uniform Vertical Heat Distribution1.2.
UCSD Articles TATA HALL McGill Hall UCSD LEED Green Building Tour Campus tour
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