Greetings… Your Executive Functioning life skills begin now… (2 minute introduction of the problem we’ll tackle in our time together)
I’m Mrs. Harrell, and I’m here to help the nightmare end…
A word of clarification: This slide show introduced a semester class I taught to 6th and 7th grade designed to inspire and help students “get their brains in gear.” Since the frontal lobes are “works in progress” until a number of years from now, this may have been a fool’s errand. However it was lots of fun and informative for both me and the students, so I’ve inserted bits and pieces of the class into this intro slide show for a class of one…i. e. you or whoever is watching. Some slides (such as the dedication to my father) I kept in just for sentiment’s sake so don’t worry if you’re not sure what to make of these.
“Dig It” and “Dig In” Diner Order from the menu to satisfy your taste for success.
Our goal(s) Know what Executive Functioning is Know your responsibilities for work ethic Feel really happy you have found this little diner at the end of the yellow brick road; be comfortable with its unusual set up
We’ll look at the menu and more materials momentarily, but first… I dedicate this class to my dad, Richard Whitehead A work ethic, “can-do” guru, organization genius, and a generous, godly, brilliant man. Let me tell you a little bit about what he taught me that I want to pass on to you this semester. Then I’ll give you your diner menu and we’ll dig it and dig in together. July 9, 1917- January 5, 2004
Visual memory aids for Memories of Dad I was learning EF and didn’t even know it…
I”ll share with you and teach some EF skills this semester This list looks huge, but don’t panic at the all you can eat buffet. Try to focus on just 3 that you need to sample this semester. Organization (thoughts, work, surroundings, time management) Putting first (or difficult) things first (FROG) Taking clear notes and journaling Listening carefully and following directions Focus (Eyes on the Prize, know what’s important and stick with it, ambition, KISS, begin with the end in mind) Persistence (dealing with challenge, Grit) Self-monitoring (impulse control, managing emotions, being proactive) Delayed gratification (able to wait, self-control, recovering from failure) Positive thinking (glass half full, optimism, confidence) Potential (knowing your strengths and weaknesses, being able to change and grow) Working memory (able to keep several things/ideas in mind at once) Curiosity (wonder, imagination, thinking outside the box) Seek help and make good decisions, Habit 7 Sharpen the Saw) Character (think win-win, put others first, EQ, manners, on time, social fluidity, conscientiousness, gratitude, synergize) Perception (know how to act in public and in various situations, seeing from all angles and view points) Logic and clear thinking (spotting fallacies, being truthful)
Let’s Dig In and Dig It How did the donuts work out? Note: Based on the Stanford marshmallow test (Google it) we discovered if we had the patience skill or not. Since you are not accessing this in class, go ahead and get yourself a donut (or healthier snack) Try to recall some EF skills you remember from the list you saw on the previous slide…how’s your memory? To the right is the cover of the syllabus aka menu. I’ll not include the rest of it even though it’s somewhat cool.
Cleaning our plates What does Executive Functioning mean? What is work ethic? How can you use the slide show and website to access materials? How are you feeling?