SAGE Lecture Spark [3/12/19] The Publisher of the Social Sciences
What Are the Biggest Problems Women Face Today? Highlights include: The lack of women in positions of power; patriarchy; not enough women at the table; sexism, racism and economic inequality; trauma-centered feminism; access to equal opportunity; the lack of respect for caregiving; navigating career and motherhood; increasing rates of maternal mortality; a campaign to normalize misogyny; and that the economy is not working for women. Highlights include: The lack of women in positions of power; patriarchy; not enough women at the table; sexism, racism and economic inequality; trauma-centered feminism; access to equal opportunity; the lack of respect for caregiving; navigating career and motherhood; increasing rates of maternal mortality; a campaign to normalize misogyny; and that the economy is not working for women.
'Captain Marvel' Shows That the MCU Is Still Struggling with Female Superheroes “When it comes to women, Marvel seems to be playing it safe, hesitant to portray these characters as anything other than badasses with hearts of gold. Their flaws stemmed from fighting for the wrong team, rather than personality issues.” “Now, many of Marvel’s male superheroes are blandly flawless too, but they usually have something resembling a problem.”
How Women Photographers Access Worlds Hidden from Men “There are benefits to being a photographer who happens to be a woman: you’re welcomed into secret worlds, invited into homes, and trusted with the most delicate subjects.” “...The downsides: fighting to be taken seriously by a male-dominated industry, entering dangerous and unpredictable situations, and tackling stereotypes about where women should go and the topics they should cover.”
There’s No Such Thing as a ‘Real’ Woman “It’s comforting to think that who we are and how we look is some sort of true north, or at least a brandable identity with its own product line. But it also brings up a question. If only some women can be categorized as ‘real,’ what becomes of the women outside those boundaries?” “Women can’t be divided neatly into models and ‘real’ women.”
Key Concepts International Women’s Day: Women in Media These articles today show a central theme of Hollywood and other mainstream media struggling to portray women as accurately or as nuanced as they really are. While there is no one “real woman,” there are some common depictions in fashion, film, etc. of what the average or diverse woman is not, or depictions that simply lack depth and breadth.
Assessment Writing: How can depictions of women in media be improved? Please provide specific examples. Debate: Is it possible to achieve accurate depictions of women in media? Why or why not? Poll: There have been many superhero movies in the last 5-10 years. Do you believe they have given fair representation to women characters? Yes, No, Unsure Short Answer: What are some issues of female identity that are dictated or influenced by the media? Current Events Quiz The Forbes article argues that the female characters in the Marvel movies are lacking: The Forbes article argues that while some of the male Marvel characters are bland as well, most have: Women in the world of photography often have the benefit of being ____ secret worlds. Downsides of being a woman photographer include tackling _____. In representing women, women can’t be divided neatly into ____ and ____. Answers Flaws A problem Welcomed into Stereotypes Models, real women A brief history of International Women’s Day. The “Manic Pixie Dream Girl” represents an archetype or trope of a female character serving only to forward the plot of a male protagonist. More on the term in this video.