H4ck3r_/\/\aN Niclas Lamponen 0455946 Juho Heiskanen 0509685 Frans Paasonen 0507739 Mikko Jutila AAMUJA! Osku Grönberg 0403024 Andrey Aleksandrov 0447608
The Hacker_Mans Juho Heiskanen Main developer Frans Paasonen Programmer Niclas Lamponen Andrey Aleksandrov Our idea was to create a hackerman game where the goal is to infect all computers in the network. A typical player might be someone interested in rogue-like arcade games with increasing difficulty. Unity documentation was heavily utilized during the development process. Some group members also made excessive use of the Blender documentation while working with the 3d models. Osku Grönberg Wizard
Juho Heiskanen My roles in the group were lead programmer, sound engineer and composer. I also drew placeholder textures and helped my team manage their work. I also helped the other team members solve their issues. The main challenge I faced was the lack of sleep towards the end of the development.
Frans Paasonen My role in the project was programmer. I was mainly programming one of the minigames. To be able to do my role you need to be able to use Unity and program C#. I needed to use Unity and C# and i had never used them before.
Niclas Lamponen My part in the project was programmer, I focused on creating one of the three minigames in the game. The only skills needed to do the role are basic understanding of object-oriented programming (C#) & Unity. We used git as our version control so knowing basic git was also helpful. The challenges were learning Unity and C# in short time span. Also having very little time overall made it difficult to finish the game in time.
Andrey Aleksandrov My primary role in the project was to design and implement one of the minigames that makes up a part of our game. This mainly consisted of programming and architectural design of the minigame. As our game was created using Unity, the main requirements to do my role are: basic understanding of game development in the Unity Engine, programming in C# and the basic skills to work in a team project. While game development is a new aspect of software development for me, I do not feel that I faced any challenges during this project other than the time constraint imposed by the fact that this project is a Game Jam.
Osku Grönberg My role in the team was to authenticate and share mathematical methods and algorithms for code, this involved things like random grid generation and object movement vector calculations etc. Also I worked as a game designer. I needed to know basic geometric and triangular equations and some other algorithms. Basic understanding of linear functions were also required. I learned C# during the development. I don’t feel like I faced any real challenges during the code camp besides some gimmicks of the C# syntax. Also it is not advised to use both windows and linux machines for the development of one project.
PROJECT TIME DISTRIBUTION Our team was extremely agile and flexible :-) TASKS Idea innovation Food & supply Information gathering Coding Other stuff? First half of day 1 Everyone Everyone: testing Mikko: Graphics Last half of day 1 Mathematician: Osku First half of day 2 Juho & Mikko: audio Last half of day 2