Self- Portrait.


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Presentation transcript:

Self- Portrait

Vincent Van Gogh Self-portrait as an Artist, 1888

Leonardo da Vinci Self-Portrait, 1512 Red chalk

Rembrandt Self portrait, 1669

CHUCK CLOSE Self Portrait, 2000 120 Color Screenprint 65 x 54½ inches

M.C. Escher Hand with Sphere, 1935

Andy Warhol. Self-Portrait, 1964

Giovanni Arnolfini and His Bride by: Jan van Eyck 1434

The inscription reads “Johannes de Eyck fuit hic 1434”, (literally, “Jan van Eyck was here”)

Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #21, 1977.

Richard Avedon, Self Portrait, 1963.

Stanley Kubrick, Self portrait, 1949.

So what is a selfie opposed to a self-portrait? Is a selfie a striped down version of self-portrait? What is the purpose of a selfie?

From a photographers point of view a selfie is a badly composed photograph taken without any effort and without psychological insight or aesthetic. Selfie is more a social phenomen that people use to communicate to each other via social networks. Intention of selfie is not to become a structured piece of art but rather to simply share a moment.

David Hockney Mother I, 1985. Photographic montage 18 1/2 x 13 in

Todd Martin, Self-portrait with road vision, 2014.